{{{ "title": "FAQ Dedicated Switch Juniper EX4500 Device End-of-Life and End-of-Vendor Support (EVS)", "date": "07-02-2019", "author": "Lyza Latham", "attachments": [], "related-products" : [], "contentIsHTML": false, "sticky": true }}}
Frequently Asked Questions for Dedicated Switch Juniper EX4500 Device End-of-Life and End-of-Vendor Support (EVS)
As a service provider, CenturyLink continuously evaluates and updates its product catalog in order to provide competitive services. This includes the offerings from third-party vendors that are the basis for or Components of CenturyLink products. For our Dedicated Switch service, certain models of the Juniper EX4200 switch are currently End of Sale and will go End-of-Vendor Support (EVS) on May 1, 2021.
The specific models affected are:
- EX4500-40F-VC1-BF
- EX4500-40F-VC1-BF-TAA
- EX4500-40F-VC1-DC
- EX4500-40F-VC1-FB
- EX4500-40F-VC1-FB-TAA
We realize that transitioning to a new hardware platform may create an inconvenience for Customers, which is why we're committed to supporting affected Customers through a product transition and making that experience as seamless as possible.
Q: What other services are being discontinued?
A: None at this time. The only services affected are those that rely on the specific Juniper switch models mentioned above, which are part of the CenturyLink Dedicated Switch service.
Q: What do End-of-Sale and End of Vendor Support (EVS) mean?
A: End of Sale status means that the vendor, in this instance Juniper, has suspended any future sale of the product. EVS means that the vendor will discontinue all support of the product including software patches, bug and security fixes, and will no longer supply hardware replacements.
Q: How will I know if my Dedicated Switch services are impacted by this announcement?
A: Notifications to inform them of the EVS status of these components will be sent to all affected CenturyLink Customers. The associated CSP or Sales representative will also be notified, so they will be ready to work with Customers on transition planning.
Q: What options does CenturyLink provide as a comparable service?
A: As a replacement product, CenturyLink offers the Dedicated Switch 3.0 product which is based on the Juniper QFX5100 series switches. This includes the QFX5100-48T, 48S and 96S models, which provide a variety of speed and media connection options while offering additional features not currently available on the EX4500 models. For more information about these devices, please view the Dedicated Switch Devices page.
To further explore CenturyLink’s Dedicated Switch 3.0 option and plans, please contact your CSP or Sales Representative. If you’re not sure who to contact, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.
Q: If the EVS isn’t until May 2021, why make this announcement now?
A: CenturyLink realizes there are long lead times required when planning the upgrade or replacement of any hardware platform. By announcing this now, we hope to allow sufficient time to discuss, plan and replace any switches well before EVS occurs. Your CenturyLink CSP or Sales representative can assist you in this process and help with the selection of the appropriate replacement product.
Q: How quickly do Customers need to act?
A: It is recommended that you begin exploring options as soon as possible and plan accordingly. Early discussions and planning allow you to manage the timing of a hardware migration that best meets your business needs.
Q: What if customers have more questions?
A: Customers are encouraged to contact your CSP or Sales Representative. If you are not sure who to contact, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.