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File metadata and controls

112 lines (85 loc) · 4.56 KB


Throw some pixy dust on your test environment devon - copyright 2018 (c) Paul Brodner

This project structure is automatically generated by devon

Checkout the guidelines bellow for a basic usage: how to use this generate project, how to configure it, hot to add new scripts according to your needs.


The structure of this project if defined as:

├── Gemfile             # contains the ruby gemfiles
├── LICENSE             # license
├──           # this readme file
├── Rakefile            # devon rake commands, here you can define your own commands too if you like
├──           # used for starting up Sinatra server
├── configs             # contains all Configuration files
   ├── simple
      └── sample.txt.erb
   └── simple.rb       # one configuration that will execute a shell script    
├── connections         # contains all Connextion settings
   ├── env.yml
   ├── env.yml.example
   ├── vagrant         # vagrant folder for spinning up one virtual machine for testing purposes
      └── Vagrantfile
   └── vagrant.rb
└── scripts
    └── connect.rb      # one simple script that will run a shell script if connection is succesfull

List available commands

Open one terminal and navigate to the root folder of this project, then type:

$ rake -T

This command will show you all available devon commands that you can run.

Example (from devon v2.0.0):

rake configs:list                               # List available configurations
rake configs:new                                # Create a new Configuration
rake conn:list                                  # List available connections
rake db:init                                    # Initi/Reinitialize db
rake scripts:list                               # List available scripts
rake scripts:new                                # Create a new script
rake scripts:run                                # Run script (in bash: rake scripts:run CMD=1,2,3 INTERACTIVE=TRUE)
rake scripts:run_all[script,connection,config]  # Run script (in bash: rake scripts:run CMD=1,2,3 INTERACTIVE=TRUE)
rake server:up                                  # Start Sinatra Server

List available SCRIPTS

$ rake scripts:list 

The command will display all files available in scripts folder:

    [0] "scripts/connect.rb"

If multiple scripts are created inside scripts folder, each one of them is displayed with a particular ID (0-> n)

List available CONNECTIONS

$ rake conn:list

The command result will display all files available in connections folder:

    [0] "connections/vagrant.rb {}"

If multiple scripts are created inside connections folder, each one of them is displayed with a particular ID (0-> n).

Notice that the IP of the target machine is also displayed (taken automatically from env.yml), for better identification.

Run scripts

$ rake scripts:run

One interactive shell is executed.

a) First it will list all available scripts (as we saw above) and ask you to choose a script file to execute from that list.

Let's check the existing one 0 when Choose a file from scripts to use: text is displayed and press ENTER.

Hint: for the file available at location 0 you can also press ENTER directly, no need to type 0 then ENTER.

b) The interactive task will then display all available connections as we saw in previous paragraph. Type 0 and press ENTER again.

Hint: for the file available at location 0 you can also press ENTER directly, no need to type 0 then ENTER.

Next a list of available configurations is displayed (i.e. what configuration should this tool use in combination with your script).

In our case, we just execute a shell script (see scripts/connect.rb) listing all files based on choosen configuration (see connections/vagrant.rb), so "No config" can be choosen.

#f03c15 Info

If you have access to a remote machine via SSH, please change the connection/env.yml file, setting up the correct IP address and connection credentials, or spin up a local Virtual Machine using the guideline bellow.

If you want run a particular script in non-interactive way, you can use the scripts:run_all task:

$ rake scripts:run_all['scripts/connect.rb','connections/vagrant.rb','']