The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Refactored ColophonText
- Fixed bug with missing ref attribute
- Colophons can have multiple
tags, each being considered separately
- Added Esri Satellete basemap
- Removed Latest from home page
- Updated Coptic Scriptorium data source
- Updated Coptic Scriptorium data source
- no https for
- GeoJSON files are loaded locally: dropped support for remote server
- Removed support for Google Maps and AWMC
- Added links to Coptic Scriptorium
Updated list of TODOs/DONEs
Updated list of Works without clavis
- Updated list of Works without clavis
- Added new saved query for colophons
- Bug fixed: restored superscripts in MD
- Updated presentation text about titles
Updated presentation text about colophons
Updated latest results
- Updated latest results
- Updated presentantion content
- Updated presentantion content
- Updated ReactMarkdown
- Fixed issue with manuscript template returning error
- Added new manuscript fields for Bindings
- Updated @fortawesome/fontawesome-free from v5.15.1 to v5.15.4
- Updated @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core from v1.2.32 to v1.2.36
- Updated @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons from v5.15.1 to v5.15.4
- Updated @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons from v5.15.1 to v5.15.4
- Updated @fortawesome/react-fontawesome from v0.1.14 to v0.1.16
- Updated axios from v0.21.1 to v0.24.0
- Updated detect-browser from v5.2.0 to v5.2.1
- Updated gh-pages from v3.1.0 to v3.2.3
- Updated object-hash from v2.1.1 to v2.2.0
- Updated qs from v6.9.4 to v6.10.1
- Updated react-nl2br from v1.0.1 to v1.0.2
- Updated reactstrap from v8.8.1 to v8.10.1
- Updated react-select from v3.1.1 to v3.2.0
- Updated react-copy-to-clipboard from v5.0.2 to v5.0.4
- Updated react-bootstrap-typeahead from v5.1.4 to v5.2.1
- Typo fix in search queries
- Fix of litperiods in Saved Queries of Works sesction
- Fixed type in saved queries
- Changed color of latest news
- Fixed issue id_link and table_link being printed
- Fixed issue id_link and table_link being printed
- Fixed issue id_link and table_link being printed
- Fixed issue with bibliographic records showing id not label for
- Added
- Database and saved queries use BDUS4 API and ShortSQL
- PluginShelfmarks changed to meet BDUS4 API data structure
- UserLinks changed to meet BDUS4 API data structure
- SearchEncoded replaced by SearchShortSQL
- Removed, for security reasons, SqlModal from UI
- Fixed issue with tot_ms set to string 0
- Fixed issue with limit with all_ms_places
- Updated list of manuscripts without clavis
- Updated list of manuscripts in graves
- Imperium is default map on atlas
- Upgraded react, react-dom, react-scripts (MAJOR)
- Upgraded react-nl2br (MAJOR)
- Upgraded react-markdown (MAJOR)
- Dependencies updates (MINOR)
- Minor upgrades
- Removed support for yarn, replaced by npm
- Dependency updates
- Whitelisted persons columns
- Minor typo fixes
- Tiles moved to GARR swift
- Many dependencies updated
- Many dependencies updated
- Database uses current version (not dev)
- Description updates
- Typo fixes
- Updated bibliography
- Typo fixes
- Fixed wrong URLs
- Added scroll to top icon
- Solved issue ericgio/react-bootstrap-typeahead#561
- Again ValueInput!
- Merge branch 'master' of
- Merge branch 'master' of
- Merge pull request #3 from paths-erc/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/websocke…
- Updated gh-pages
- Updated react-ga
- Updated react-bootstrap-typeahead
- Updated fortawesome/fontawesome
- Updated detect-browser
- Updated websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
- Solved issue ericgio/react-bootstrap-typeahead#561
- Places text updated
- Upgraded detect-browser
- Updated qs
- Updated react-bootstrap-typeahead
- Updated react-leaflet
- Updated react-router-dom