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• const
modifyAssertion: unique symbol
Use to mutate JWT header and payload before they are signed. Its intended use is working around non-conform server behaviours, such as modifying JWT "aud" (audience) claims, or otherwise changing fixed claims used by this library.
Changing the alg: "Ed25519"
back to alg: "EdDSA"
let as!: oauth.AuthorizationServer
let client!: oauth.Client
let parameters!: URLSearchParams
let key!: oauth.CryptoKey | oauth.PrivateKey
let keyPair!: oauth.CryptoKeyPair
let remapEd25519: oauth.ModifyAssertionOptions = {
[oauth.modifyAssertion]: (header, _payload) => {
if (header.alg === 'Ed25519') {
header.alg = 'EdDSA'
// For JAR
oauth.issueRequestObject(as, client, parameters, key, remapEd25519)
// For Private Key JWT
oauth.PrivateKeyJwt(key, remapEd25519)
// For DPoP
oauth.DPoP(client, keyPair, remapEd25519)