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Asymmetric key pair generation function options.
• optional
crv: string
The EC "crv" (Curve) or OKP "crv" (Subtype of Key Pair) value to generate. The curve must be both supported on the runtime as well as applicable for the given JWA algorithm identifier.
• optional
extractable: boolean
The value to use as SubtleCrypto.generateKey extractable
argument. Default is false.
const { publicKey, privateKey } = await jose.generateKeyPair('PS256', {
extractable: true,
console.log(await jose.exportJWK(privateKey))
console.log(await jose.exportPKCS8(privateKey))
• optional
modulusLength: number
A hint for RSA algorithms to generate an RSA key of a given modulusLength
(Key size in bits).
JOSE requires 2048 bits or larger. Default is 2048.