- Run Godot Engine
- Select -> Scene and choose scene Node2D change node name to Level(numer)
- Click right mouse button and add childs nodes type Node2D
- Change nodes names as Objects and Map
- Select node Map, right mouse click and choose option Instatiate Child Scene
- Add to three sub-nodes from readymade scenes files:
- empty_tile_map.tscn
- game_borders.tscn
- exit_area.tscn
- On top-level scene Level(numer) attach script:
extends Game
class_name Level<number>
@onready var chests: Array[Node] = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("chests")
@onready var laser_beams: Array[Node] = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("laser_beams")
func _init() -> void:
var component_manager: Component = Component.new()
var components: Array[Node] = [
for component in components:
func _process(_delta) -> void:
- Set exit area place on board.
- You have possibility use readymade components e.g:
- wall:
- chests: chest, ice chest, gravity chests
- laser beam
- activation plates: activation plate, gravity switcher
- Each level has other combination lasers, chests and activation plates so you must use script and add additional actions. Check level scripts -> CLICK