This package provides a julia interface for OpenAi gym.
In pkg repl,
add Gym
If you do not have a gym installation. The package will install it for you with the following command:
build Gym
This makes a minimal installation of the gym. If you want to install free environments,
you should set the GYM_ENVS
environment variable as following:
Then call the build Gym
using Gym
env = GymEnv("CartPole-v0")
reward = 0
episode_count = 10
for i=1:episode_count
total = 0
ob = reset!(env)
render(env)#comment out this line if you do not want to visualize the environment
while true
action = sample(env.action_space)
ob, reward, done, information = step!(env, action)
total += reward
render(env)#comment out this line if you do not want to visualize the environment
done && break
println("episode $i total Rewards: $total")