Information about the network interface card (NIC) when creating a virtual machine (VM).
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
deleteOnVmDeletion | Boolean | If true, the NIC is deleted when the VM is terminated. You can specify this parameter only for a new NIC. To modify this value for an existing NIC, see UpdateNic. | [optional] |
description | String | The description of the NIC, if you are creating a NIC when creating the VM. | [optional] |
deviceNumber | Integer | The index of the VM device for the NIC attachment (between `0` and `7`, both included). This parameter is required if you create a NIC when creating the VM. | [optional] |
nicId | String | The ID of the NIC, if you are attaching an existing NIC when creating a VM. | [optional] |
privateIps | List<PrivateIpLight> | One or more private IPs to assign to the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. Only one private IP can be the primary private IP. | [optional] |
secondaryPrivateIpCount | Integer | The number of secondary private IPs, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. This parameter cannot be specified if you specified more than one private IP in the `PrivateIps` parameter. | [optional] |
securityGroupIds | List<String> | One or more IDs of security groups for the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. | [optional] |
subnetId | String | The ID of the Subnet for the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. This parameter is required if you create a NIC when creating the VM. | [optional] |