One or more filters.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
descriptions | List<String> | The descriptions of the NICs. | [optional] |
isSourceDestCheck | Boolean | Whether the source/destination checking is enabled (true) or disabled (false). | [optional] |
linkNicDeleteOnVmDeletion | Boolean | Whether the NICs are deleted when the VMs they are attached to are terminated. | [optional] |
linkNicDeviceNumbers | List<Integer> | The device numbers the NICs are attached to. | [optional] |
linkNicLinkNicIds | List<String> | The attachment IDs of the NICs. | [optional] |
linkNicStates | List<String> | The states of the attachments. | [optional] |
linkNicVmAccountIds | List<String> | The account IDs of the owners of the VMs the NICs are attached to. | [optional] |
linkNicVmIds | List<String> | The IDs of the VMs the NICs are attached to. | [optional] |
linkPublicIpAccountIds | List<String> | The account IDs of the owners of the public IPs associated with the NICs. | [optional] |
linkPublicIpLinkPublicIpIds | List<String> | The association IDs returned when the public IPs were associated with the NICs. | [optional] |
linkPublicIpPublicDnsNames | List<String> | The public DNS names associated with the public IPs. | [optional] |
linkPublicIpPublicIpIds | List<String> | The allocation IDs returned when the public IPs were allocated to their accounts. | [optional] |
linkPublicIpPublicIps | List<String> | The public IPs associated with the NICs. | [optional] |
macAddresses | List<String> | The Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of the NICs. | [optional] |
netIds | List<String> | The IDs of the Nets where the NICs are located. | [optional] |
nicIds | List<String> | The IDs of the NICs. | [optional] |
privateDnsNames | List<String> | The private DNS names associated with the primary private IPs. | [optional] |
privateIpsLinkPublicIpAccountIds | List<String> | The account IDs of the owner of the public IPs associated with the private IPs. | [optional] |
privateIpsLinkPublicIpPublicIps | List<String> | The public IPs associated with the private IPs. | [optional] |
privateIpsPrimaryIp | Boolean | Whether the private IP is the primary IP associated with the NIC. | [optional] |
privateIpsPrivateIps | List<String> | The private IPs of the NICs. | [optional] |
securityGroupIds | List<String> | The IDs of the security groups associated with the NICs. | [optional] |
securityGroupNames | List<String> | The names of the security groups associated with the NICs. | [optional] |
states | List<String> | The states of the NICs. | [optional] |
subnetIds | List<String> | The IDs of the Subnets for the NICs. | [optional] |
subregionNames | List<String> | The Subregions where the NICs are located. | [optional] |
tagKeys | List<String> | The keys of the tags associated with the NICs. | [optional] |
tagValues | List<String> | The values of the tags associated with the NICs. | [optional] |
tags | List<String> | The key/value combination of the tags associated with the NICs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}. | [optional] |