Information about the DirectLink interfaces.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountId | String | The account ID of the owner of the DirectLink interface. | [optional] |
bgpAsn | Integer | The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ASN (Autonomous System Number) on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface. | [optional] |
bgpKey | String | The BGP authentication key. | [optional] |
clientPrivateIp | String | The IP on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface. | [optional] |
directLinkId | String | The ID of the DirectLink. | [optional] |
directLinkInterfaceId | String | The ID of the DirectLink interface. | [optional] |
directLinkInterfaceName | String | The name of the DirectLink interface. | [optional] |
interfaceType | String | The type of the DirectLink interface (always `private`). | [optional] |
location | String | The datacenter where the DirectLink interface is located. | [optional] |
mtu | Integer | The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the DirectLink interface, in bytes (always `1500`). | [optional] |
outscalePrivateIp | String | The IP on the OUTSCALE side of the DirectLink interface. | [optional] |
state | String | The state of the DirectLink interface (`pending` | `available` | `deleting` | `deleted` | `confirming` | `rejected` | `expired`). | [optional] |
virtualGatewayId | String | The ID of the target virtual gateway. | [optional] |
vlan | Integer | The VLAN number associated with the DirectLink interface. | [optional] |