Keeping track of the features to do and issues with Trello
Used Etcher to copy rasbian lite iso to sd card. Installed usual packages, see install scripts repo Installed access point software, follow Reboot
MongoDB is setup and stores data in /usr/local/var/mongodb
Start via mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
show dbs use
show collections db.<new|old collection name>.find() -> empty db.<new|old collection name>.insert({}) db.<new|old collection name>.find() -> not empty db.<new|old collection name>.update({date:'fake-date'}, {$set: {name:'fake-name', size: 123, path:'fake-path'}},{upsert:true})
adds fields to existing collection. upsert will only update unique query matches.
db.<dbname|collection>.drop() -> deletes the db or collection
Using a Grid Gallery for Video Stills Using bootstrap to fancy up my UI and buttons