The eBase App allows players to buy base building kits or upgrades such as CCTV kits through the XM8. Once a player has purchased a package it will be delivered to their current position via a parachute drop.
@Shix- Dialog God
@WolfkillArcadia - Sex appeal and made parachutes fly.
- XM8 Apps - by @Shix
- Poptabs/Respects update server side addon by @happydayz
- Download and drop 'Enigma_Exile_Custom.pbo' into '@ExileServer\addons'
- Utilize Exile functions to update poptabs (@Grim is cool)
_Box1Name = "Starter"; Box1Items = [ ['Exile_Item_Flag',1], ['Exile_Item_Matches',2], ['Exile_Item_CookingPot',1], ['Exile_Item_CanOpener',1], ['Exile_Item_Handsaw',1], ['Exile_Item_Grinder',1], ['Exile_Item_CampFireKit',1], ['Exile_Item_WorkBenchKit',1] ]; box1Cost = 3000;
Pretty self explanatory
_Box1Name = "Starter";
The name of the box to be displayed on the Xm8
Array of items to be added to the box ['ItemClassName',Quantity]
box1Cost = 3000;
The price of the box