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Application Development for Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing

J.Pu edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Past Exams

ADfMUC Exam SS 2016

  1. Mobile vs Ubiquitous vs Pervasive computing (definition, paradigm, main differences)
  2. Context awareness, adaptation - definiton, how they dependent from each other.
  3. Why is it difficult to access context info? - describe 4-layer architecture, 3 phases.
  4. All types of transmission adaptation (caching, late write-back, prefetching, lazy evaluation etc) - how do they work, adv vs disadv, compare cashing with pregetching. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. 5 types of context
  6. In details explain how GSM+DifferentialGSM, Fingerprint work.
  7. How to provide responsive web design - CSS tecniques: fluid grid, flexible images, css media queries. Explain how do they work.
  8. What is MobileFirst. Charasteristics.
  9. Design patterns in layout design.
  10. Characterics of context awareness - time-dependent, location-dependent, Erreneous, Undifined ...
  11. Phases in Coda. Should we use late write-back there - answer: no, its already there (think why)