- 95% Free / Open Source Software
- ready-to-go
- starts in about a minute on any non-ancient laptop or desktop computer
- everything on board, no install or sign-in required
- 95% offline-functionality
- reliable and portable personal computing environment
- 95% non-commercial, bullshit-free computing and education
- cheap: ~6€
- 5% non-free / closed source Software
- build scripting 95% temporary spaghetti shell code
- sticks can be physically lost and are not encrypted yet
- some (nvidia et al.) hardware support mechanisms like in lernstick not yet included
- provide everyone who needs it with a low-bullshit computing environment
- get many people away from tiny phone screens and provide them powerful tools
- fusion with https://lernstick.ch development for network synergy
- more users, more developers, better free software: omni-win boost
- decentral investment campaign
- data loss or theft situations
- malware injection along the build and supply chain
- lack of interest could keep it irrelevant
- some of the features might have to be installed online because they are non-free