Releases: oroinc/platform-application
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- OAuth Code Grant + PKCE Authentication. With PKCE extension for OAuth developers can use Authorization Code Flow with public clients that can't store client secret (native mobile apps, single-page applications). [BAP-22241]
- Eliminate additional pinbar request when user navigates backoffice [BAP-21894]
- Differentiate system-wide product family and brand names in multi-org setup [BAP-22225]
- Email API: allow to filter emails by several message IDs [BAP-22303]
- Update JS dependencies for maintenance branches [BAP-22315]
- Upgrade Symfony to 5.4.31 [BAP-22321]
- HTTP caching of resized user avatars [BAP-22339]
- Avoid extra request for datagrid filters data when grid has dictionary filters [BAP-22340]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Country filter in sales lead grid does not work after enabling it [CRM-9208]
- SQL query for attribute information retrieval may be slow [BAP-22227]
- Invalid access level for demo customer user roles in global organization [BAP-22307]
- "oro:cron:platform:materialized-view:remove-orphans" command is not loaded into cron schedule [BAP-22348]
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Backoffice Configuration API. New back-office API that provides read access to various system configuration option values. [BAP-21826]
- Aggregated Context for Email Threads. Contexts from all emails in the thread aggregated in one collection on the tread view in back-office and email API. [BAP-22197]
- Allow Configuring OAuth 2 public and private keys location using environment variables [BAP-22278]
- Check requirements for the application test environment [BAP-22199]
- Prevent parameter name randomization in SubQueryLimitHelper to allow caching [BAP-21887]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- RemoveSalesFunnelData migration is not executed upgrading from >=5.0.11 to 5.1.x [CRM-9411]
- Layout expressions does not support double quote wrapping [BAP-22015]
- Possible cyclic relationship errors building business unit owner tree [BAP-22052]
- Filtering ID Alerts causes error exception [BAP-22092]
- Cannot add Office 365 system mailbox with "Convert to Lead" email processing type [BAP-22139]
- Wrong condition in SerializedDataMigrationQuery::getEntities may produce errors during installation [BAP-22207]
- DataUpdateTopicSender is running slow. Application login took additional time when the websocket server was enabled [BAP-22234]
- Categories for “stackedbar" charts in OroFusionChartsBundle break chart rendering [BAP-22255]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Enable API for Email entities [BAP-11460]
Manage emails information and related context via API so emails integrations could be done via 3rd party apps
- API for emailcontext entities [BAP-22004]
API allows to find contexts for emails and search for available email contexts based on user search term
- Global view for Reports [BAP-22082]
Reports created in global organization can be viewed within all other organizations and custom reports can be created per organization only
- Change the Default Welcome OROCRM Message [BAP-22085]
- Add upsert strategy for Batch API [BAP-21801]
Upsert strategy for batch API allows to streamline integration flows so records will be created and updated within one API request
- Add translation keys to System Translations for Oro Add-on and API resource [BAP-22140]
- Allow to specify which DB connections must be pinged in DbPingPeriodic [BAP-22152]
- Remove redundant and fix mismatch docblocks [BAP-22158]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Read only FS cache issues [BAP-21221]
- “More than one result was found for query although one row or none was expected" exception in EntityChangesToAuditEntryConverter::findOrCreateAuditEntry [BAP-21424]
- Data audit logging functionality ignores audit setting for related entity [BAP-21460]
- Very long and non-parametrized queries cause doctrine dql cache growth and unexpected results in PG stats and activities tables [BAP-21788]
- Incorrect work of disabled by default choice-tree grid filters [BAP-22067]
- Cannot use custom identifier_field_names in API filters when association equals to DB [BAP-22118]
- Redis healthchecks do not work [BAP-22145]
- Message consumer memory usage is growing with every execution of oro:cron [BAP-22147]
- EntityReflectionClass::getMethods returns unstructured result [BAP-22161]
- Unable to access storefront with whitelisted IP in maintenance mode [BAP-22167]
- API for user role creation fails when the role code is too long [BAP-22179]
- Can't make entity extensible if it contains unmapped property [BAP-22201]
- 500 error on sending email because of Datetime types mismatch [CRM-9379]
- Mailchimp integration uses obsolete Mailchimp API [CRM-9410]
- "oro:activity-contact:recalculate" command failed after installation [CRM-9412]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- API for translation entities [BAP-22013]
Implemented API resource that allows to get application translations per specific language and translation domain
- Switch to PSR-12 coding standard [BAP-21019]
- Update Countries and Regions dictionaries [BAP-21937]
Updated default country and region dictionaries according to ISO-3166
- Optimize oro_calendar_date table [BAP-21956]
- Backoffice user session has no expiration by default [BAP-22014]
- Mention in the v5.1 CHANGELOG a requirement to create a topic class for every custom MQ topic [BAP-22027]
- Allow override of
parameter from config/parameters.yml [BAP-22097] - Disable requesting specific meta properties in API [BAP-22119]
- Investigate and fix entity name providers [BAP-22120]
- Behat tests should not depend on bash scripts [BAP-19975]
- Create dedicated step in behats for making screenshots [BAP-22039]
- Add an option to the bin/behat to run multiple consumers [BAP-22048]
- Move old REST API functional tests to Controller namespace [BAP-22090]
- Restore original locale in unit tests that change the locale [BAP-22026]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Validation and import operations were failed for contacts with “Add” strategy [CRM-9400]
- Delete the EntityExtendBundle dependency from the Config component [BAP-21961]
- Non-email folders are available in Office 365 email sync settings and break email sync if selected [BAP-21633]
- Incorrect processing of failure and target path on login page [BAP-21673]
- Incorrect usage of AttachmentManager::getResizedImageUrl in ImageLinkFormatter and ImageSrcFormatter [BAP-21698]
- Slow queries for fetching stale IMAP emails [BAP-21725]
- websocket_frontend healthcheck is not working [BAP-21789]
- Incorrect position of tabs in grid settings dialog in Sub-Orders Payment History grid [BAP-21822]
- Changing link element settings does not work in WYSIWYG editor in Safari [BAP-21823]
- OAuth 2.0 for Gmail emails sync option is out of order [BAP-21878]
- Dotmailer campaign summary synchronization fails [BAP-21881]
- LDAP connection fails [BAP-21884]
- Broken filter by ID on the Login Attempts grid page [BAP-21918]
- Export segments to mailchimp fails with error when performed by cron command [BAP-21921]
- Zendesk synchronization fails with Failed Redelivered status and duplicates entities are created in Zendesk [BB-22248]
- MigrateUserLoginAttemptsQuery fails on long usernames [BAP-21947]
- Browser console errors when opening WYSIWYG layer manager in RTL mode [BAP-21955]
- Impossible to decorate Knp Matcher because of hardcoded dependency [BAP-21965]
- Tag are not displayed and cannot be edited on product view page in back-office [BAP-21966]
- No automatic scroll to form field with invalid value [BAP-21991]
- VirtualReflectionMethod::invoke converts method arguments to array [BAP-21998]
- Elasticsearch snapshots made with behat isolator additionally contain feature states [BAP-21999]
- Impossible to apply filter by date field in report output when report uses date functions [BAP-22005]
- Entity exclusion providers are ignored for system-wide excluded entity enabled in API [BAP-22006]
- Impossible to rename an association that represented in API as a field [BAP-22012]
- Unnecessary product grid scrolling after clicking on action row on tablet/mobile [BAP-22029]
- Linked field is not returned by API when it is renamed in target entity [BAP-22030]
- WorkflowTransitionCronTriggerTopic requires non existing mainEntity [BAP-22040]
- 404 on editing seller dashboard [BAP-22042]
- Text style selector is missing in rich text editor panel [BAP-22044]
- Unable to load entity_config.yml via bundle-less structure [BAP-22045]
- Possible cyclic relationship errors building business unit owner tree [BAP-22052]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- Updated default country and region dictionaries according to ISO-3166 [BAP-21937]
- Update Webpack to >= 5.76.* version [BAP-21951]
- Fix Oro\Component\TestUtils\Listener\TestListener for better memory cleanup [BAP-21946]
List of fixed issues
- Vague error message when back-office shortcut search produces no results [BAP-21044]
- Full product list is accessible via export from another organization [BAP-21542]
- Non-email folders are available in Office 365 email sync settings and break email sync if selected [BAP-21633]
- Incorrect usage of AttachmentManager::getResizedImageUrl in ImageLinkFormatter and ImageSrcFormatter [BAP-21698]
- Incorrect alignment of required field "asterisks" in RTL mode in Safari/Mozilla [BAP-21821]
- Incorrect position of tabs in grid settings dialog in Sub-Orders Payment History grid [BAP-21822]
- Changing link element settings does not work in WYSIWYG editor in Safari [BAP-21823]
- Wrong "Reply" modal window content size in "Recent Emails" dashboard widget [BAP-21829]
- "Move" button for text content disappears after applying formatting in WYSIWYG [BAP-21896]
- Broken filter by ID on the Login Attempts grid page [BAP-21918]
- Export segments to mailchimp fails with error when performed by cron command [BAP-21921]
- MigrateUserLoginAttemptsQuery fails on long usernames [BAP-21947]
- ChildJobFailingExtension marks redelivered job as failed [BAP-21954]
- Browser console errors when opening WYSIWYG layer manager in RTL mode [BAP-21955]
- Impossible to decorate Knp Matcher because of hardcoded dependency [BAP-21965]
- Tag are not displayed and cannot be edited on product view page in back-office [BAP-21966]
- Elasticsearch snapshots made with behat isolator additionally contain feature states [BAP-21999]
- Impossible to apply filter by date field in report output when report uses date functions [BAP-22005]
- Unable to configure redis cache mixed standalone and sentinel types [BAP-22031]
- Text style selector is missing in rich text editor panel [BAP-22044]
- Zendesk integration syncs no more than 1000 items [CRM-9406]
OroPlatform 5.1 LTS version is now available
Release Highlights:
Tech stack update:
- PHP 8.2
- NodeJS 18, NPM 9
- PostgreSQL as the primary DB
Deployment & integration:
- Bundling translations with the application source code
- Setting configuration parameters via environment variables
- JSON storage, filtering, and sorting for serialized fields
- Extended entities refactoring to remove dependency on file cache generation
- “Bundle-less” application structure support
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Implement empty and not_empty filters for API [BAP-21905]
- Include related entity data if present when syncing marketing lists with Mailchimp [BAP-21880]
- Update htmlpurifier to 4.15 [BAP-21817]
- Upgrade various PHP dependencies to the latest available version[BAP-20393], [BAP-21906]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Users with "expired" password status prevent upgrade to version 5.0.8 [BB-22388]
- Back-office navigation menu flashes when scrolling [BAP-21902]
- Missing translation in events section on campaign view page [BAP-21883]
- Maker fails with reference to internal entities with camelCase names [BAP-21872]
- Symfony profiler bar is missing expand/collapse buttons in layout tree [BAP-21871]
- Custom localized field data is linked to original product after duplication [BAP-21868]
- Forecast widget configuration dialog does not fully fit on mobile screen [BAP-21865]
- Incorrect dropdown menu position for filters in back-office [BAP-21846]
- Incorrect position of search icon in Content Templates tab in WYSIWYG [BAP-21818]
- "Apply Styles" button remains active in WYSIWYG text formatting panel [BAP-21794]
- Incorrect column outline after changing column dimensions in WYSIWYG [BAP-21793]
- WYSIWYG produces invalid HTML after indenting styled text [BAP-21749]
- Unnecessary recalculation of Last Contact fields for Email Activity targets when associated email is updated [CRM-9404]
- Error rendering datagrid with array datasource having Territory feature enabled [CRM-9399]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Update JS dev libraries [BAP-21849]
- Add pagination links for async operations errors API resource [BAP-21806]
- Update TinyMCE editor from 5 version to 6 [BAP-21778]
- Update JS libraries for maintenance branches [BAP-21768]
- Limit "disable-after" argument for "oro:log:level" command to 1 hour [BAP-21736]
- Consistency of attachments in DB and file storage [BAP-21710]
"oro:attachment:cleanup-gridfs-files" CLI command was introduced to allow for consistency verification of GridFS based file storage against file information in the application database, and for removal of non-referenced files from the storage
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Reset password for logged user [BAP-21805]
- Broken view of Tags field with multiple selected tags on user view page [BAP-21787]
- Add Consent button is not hidden when Enabled User Consents configuration field is set to use default value [BAP-21774]
- Incorrect timepicker alignment at back-office in RTL mode [BAP-21767]
- Error while trying to sync the body of an already removed email [BAP-21748]
- Unnecessary HTML tag after adding "File" element in WYSIWYG [BAP-21745]
- Incorrect field size in inline-editor__inner in back-office [BAP-21741]
- Grid header is moving after scrolling grid on tablet/mobile [BAP-21740]
- Cursor overlaps with border in text elements in WYSIWYG [BAP-21739]
- Microsoft resources continue to sync for disabled users [https://BAP-21735]
- Email origins stops to sync after update to reconnect account functionality [BAP-21731]
- Incorrect alignment of gjs-field-integer in Style Manager in Mozilla [BAP-21719]
- Entity fieldset limitation leads to loss some relationships [BAP-21718]
- Multiple entity instance inclusion in API response [BAP-21717]
- Error running import from CLI [BAP-21709]
- Disabled calendars continues to sync [BAP-21708]
- Incorrect timezone handling during task synchronization with Microsoft365 [BAP-21689]
- Translation cache is not refreshed after updating translations for language with custom language code [BAP-21669]
- Incorrect processing of UniqueConstraintViolationException in EntityChangesToAuditEntryConverter [BAP-21501]
- Enabled filter rendered incorrectly on Active Users grid view [BAP-16903]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Validating MQ Messages [BAP-20562]
Defines PHP classes for message queue topics validation
- Upgrade PHP dependencies [BAP-21716]
- Switch Batch API to Symfony Lock component [BAP-21676]
Custom implementation of locks replaced with native Symfony Lock component
- Allow running oro:translation:update for language with custom code [BAP-21666]
Added support of custom language codes (like en_my_code) for oro:translation:update command
- Boilerplate code generation [BAP-21548]
Added source code generation functionality allows to quickly create entity classes and configuration files based on an entity definition config file. It allows developers to enable data grids, access permissions, API, import/export and other entity features as well
- Update Countries and Regions dictionaries in Oro [BAP-20979]
Updated default country and region dictionaries according to ISO-3166
- Hide Login Attempts pages in non-global organizations [BAP-21482]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Impossible to open opportunities in board view on iPad [CRM-9395]
- MQ messages to refresh marketing lists are generated regardless of configuration settings [CRM-9394]
- Lead emails are not considered public [CRM-9384]
- Export batch size parameter used instead of import batch size parameter for pre import MQ topics [BAP-21762]
- Incorrect styling of checkbox in multi-select component in datagrid [BAP-21760]
- Error on sending email from email address without owner [BAP-21757]
- The click on button doesn't work in Google Chrome on macOS in WYSIWYG [BAP-21737]
- The filter "null" is rendered after select all "Grid Settings" in tablet/mobile mod [BAP-21732]
- Memory leak during email visibility recalculation [BAP-21730]
- Incorrect alignment action buttons in inline-editor inner in back-office [BAP-21726]
- User tasks grid content cut in UI [BAP-21713]
- Impossible to create shopping lists via storefront API. Also fixed case when shopping list was deleted with storefront api [BAP-21702]
- Incorrect usage of AttachmentManager::getResizedImageUrl in ImageLinkFormatter and ImageSrcFormatter [BAP-21698]
- API call may be failed with uncaught error in VisibilityIdHelper [BAP-21690]
- Cc and Bcc buttons aligned incorrectly in send email window on mobile [BAP-21685]
- Update button is positioned incorrectly in tag filter on mobile [BAP-21684]
- Unnecessary scroll bar in grid inline editing [BAP-21683]
- Cannot create directory in InterruptConsumptionExtension due to file status cache [BAP-21679]
- First request to php-fpm fails after redis database flush [BAP-21672]
- Translation cache is not refreshed after updating translations for language with custom language code [BAP-21669]
- Incorrect currency position in base-currency input on edit opportunities page [BAP-21658]
- Page overlay disappears after adding source in "Select Image" dialog in WYSIWYG [BAP-21652]
- Unnecessary li:marker in All Roles grid [BAP-21624]
- Error during when EmailUser organization is null [BAP-21540]
- URL for JS translation file is not changed after translation cache update [BAP-21508]
- Merge mass-action failing on grid of contacts when sorting by email is applied. Added datagrid`s pre build listener that disables sorting on purpose [BAP-21313]
- RemoveEnumFieldQuery does not remove multiEnum fields correctly [BAP-20163]
- Filtering by status produces errors in Integrations grid [BAP-20115]
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
• Export Of Reports With Grouping By Related Entity [BAP-21539]
It has become possible to export the reports that contain grouping by related entities (related to the primary report entity). Export of such reports has produced inconsistent results or was not available at all in earlier OroPlatform versions.
• Allow to install application assets via relative symlinks [BAP-21409]
• Do not check NodeJS existence and version in runtime operations [BAP-21551]
• Do not run other scenarios in the Behat feature on failure [BAP-21629]
• Add queue name to "Consuming interrupted" message [BAP-21632]
• Allow to decorate service [BAP-21642]
• Validating MQ Messages. Define topic services for existing topics (Integration and EntityConfig, ImportExport, WebsiteSearch, WebsiteElasticSearchBundle, SeoBundle, UserPro bundles ) [BAP-20562]
List of fixed issues
• Error on inline editing task due date in datagrid [BAP-16141]
• Search entity for userroles contains incorrect entityUrl [BAP-20975]
• Anonymous user role has different display policy in different sources [BAP-20977]
• New entities, deleted fields block application upgrade [BAP-21015]
• Duplicate email is created after sending email with Office365 email sync enabled [BAP-21439]
• Incorrectly rendered date range in "Opportunity Statistic"/ "Lead Statistic" dashboard widgets [BAP-21448]
• Calendar creation form is jumping when user selects "repeat on days" [BAP-21449]
• Wrong controls spacing and border in Add New Event popup dialog in back-office. The dialog with recurrence events [BAP-21469]
• Tags grid column is shifting after inline editing [BAP-21486]
• Task management buttons are not shown on Task information popup on Calendar widget [BAP-21492]
• Cannot add new mailbox in system configuration [BAP-21500]
• Incorrect processing of UniqueConstraintViolationException in EntityChangesToAuditEntryConverter [BAP-21501]
• Wrong row height when using inline editing in datagrids [BAP-21509]
• Partial reindexation removes all documents from the index [BAP-21517]
• Incorrect state of local cache during install/upgrade [BAP-21518]
• Normalization does not work for arrays of objects when "skip_null_values" flag is used [BAP-21519]
• Error during when EmailUser organization is null [BAP-21540]
• oro:batch_api chunk may get stuck in never ending loop [BAP-21547]
• Impossible to create marketing list with fields from related entities [BAP-21577]
• Empty description for systemOrganization field for customer address API [BAP-21621]
• Call to a member function getPropertyPath() on null when using identifier_field_names [BAP-21630]
• Unnecessary horizontal scroll bar in promotion view dialog on back-office order view page [BAP-21644]
• IncludeMapManager::getIncludedItems may aquire lock but not release it [BAP-21645]
• Unable to manage entity unique keys [BAP-21649]