List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
OpenAPI specifications management. Added ability to generate OpenAPI specifications from the Back-office UI [BAP-22539]
Added optional Server URLs to OpenAPI specification management [BAP-22624]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
Not possible to use Year, Month, Day and Day of year column functions in reports [BAP-20370]
Out of memory/out of disk space errors when exporting large portions of data [BAP-22181]
Errors on back-office entity view pages after adding multi-image field to File entity [BAP-22501]
Wrong query is validated on segment creation [BAP-22535]
Datagrid totals extension does not work with conditional SELECTs [BAP-22552]
Email notifications to Owner > Business Units do not work [BAP-22562]
Export template doesn't use proper job to prepare template because of wrong parameter name [BAP-22580]
Customer user password reset emails are always sent from and contain links to default website domain [BAP-22585]
GET /admin/api/emailcontext has empty "details" after customer user is deleted for an order [BAP-22586]
ActivityListener incorrectly interferes in updating and deletion of some entities [BAP-22591]
Update TinyMCE version [BAP-22637]
X-HTTP-Method-Override request header does not work in API [BAP-22671]
MailChimp integrations generates excessive log records during normal operation [CRM-9420]
MailChimp integrations incorrectly handles missing MemberActivity fields on import [CRM-9421]
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