Releases: oroinc/orocommerce-application
Releases · oroinc/orocommerce-application
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.7 version
- Implemented. Configure directory for sitemap generation
- Fixed. Shopping list name is rendered incorrectly
- Fixed. Customer user permissions not working when customer has Id less than parent customer Id
- Fixed. A product attribute with option "0" is not recognized when importing a product.
- Fixed. Exception on inaccessible brand route
- Fixed. Different taxes on Order edit page
- Fixed. Category visibility settings are not applied for imported products
- Fixed. Missing product name prevents other products from being imported
- Fixed. Overly generic error when uploading large file in image field
- Added Center Alignment option to the Link Button widget
- Fixed. Search indexes of all existing websites (product & brand) unexpectedly dropped after website deletion
- Optimized oro:cron:product-collections:index command
- Fixed. Sample data image for "About" landing page is not rendered
- Made Image Slider widget adaptive for resolutions on the storefront
- Fixed. Duplicate files for File attribute\field after imports
- Fixed. Shopping list items do not change owner when owner of shopping list is changed
- Made tooltip text is readable by screen reader and accessible through keyboard
- Fixed. Unclear error log is received after import of the file containing invalid customer relations
- Fixed. app.ALERT: Can't get exchange rate for currency "EUR" in prod.log after application install
- Implemented. Segment sorting and search improvements in condition builder
- Fixed. It is not possible to change the default shopping list in the Shopping List popup
- Fixed. Error message is not shown on guest single page checkout on attempt to create an account with email of existing Customer User
- Fixed. Unauthorized access to cancel/re-submit "Requests For Quote" of any user
- Fixed. Investigation: JS loading optimization on the Storefront
- Implemented. Validation for change login settings request
- Fixed. Email campaign sending consumer error
- Fixed. Back-office product grid loads images via default website URL instead of application URL
- Fixed. Create inline link from a text using popup in GrapesJS
- Fixed. Invalid count calculation in filters
- Enabled adding video in security mode using GrapesJS
- Fixed. CLI import went to loop in case of the absent owner for a record
- Fixed. Cannot edit attribute family if attributes have the same label
- Implemented. Set focused added video widget in GrapesJS
- Fixed. Custom string field cannot be updated from Inventory Levels datagrid in non-english localizations
- Fixed. Simultaneously edited content variants of content block don't save content
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been updated to 4.1.6
- Fixed customer group may be duplicated on product visibility page if it was created with multiple customers and more than one consumer was running at the time
- Fixed impossible to create new product in global organization
- Implemented PayPal Express Integration for 4.1 LTS
- Fixed extra line in "Inherit Localization" section when in Short description or description sections choose German (Germany) tab
- Fixed duplicated price list is not recalculated when another recalculation job is running
- Implemented grid-views switcher accessible by keyboard
- Implemented Layout Elements Unique IDs
- Fixed string custom field added to the entity couldn't be view or edit for several entities
- Fixed endless slug generation for entities without redirect data
- Fixed "New address" box needs to be clicked twice while adding billing/shipping address on single page checkout
- Fixed lack of notification rule form validation
- Fixed entering сupon code on single page checkout erases payment information
- Implement accessible prev / next buttons in grids
- Removed extra title in "Update" state for "Add to Shopping List" button
- Fixed import of configurable product with non-unique simple product combination leads to message consumer failure
- Changed of landing page of consent not reflected in created consent acceptance
- Updated Extended Grid Row Action Labels
- Fixed ACL checks are not working on multi file fields
- Implemented styling of the formatting tool bar in GrapesJS
- Fixed Tags for Consents cannot be activated
- Added data migration filling UUID for files
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.5
- Fixed unable to complete checkout from guest quote with predefined shipping address
- Fixed checkout totals should be recalculated only for checkouts that are NOT deleted NOR completed
- Fixed importing Customer User with Role created via back-office does not work.
- Fixed heading tags are not applied to the text in text block of WYSIWIG editor
- Fixed child entities of web-catalog may belong to different organization
- Implemented handling Authorize.Net FDS Statuses
- Added context of customer user to emails automatically
- Fixed only products assigned to web catalog are included into sitemap
- Fixed WYSIWYG content is not updated after the import
- Fixed inform user about opening popup
- Fixed incorrect background color for options in select in GrapeJS editor
- Fixed product name is removed after update of product via import
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.4 version
- Allowed hidden simple product selection in RFQ and quick order page
- Implemented ADA: Quick order form
- Fixed new product WYSIWYG fields share data with Description field
- Improved required fields according to accessibility requirements on the Storefront
- Fixed some WYSIWIG components are not rendered properly at the storefront
- Fixed. IE browser. Impossible to paste copied text into WYSIWYG editor on Product creation page
- Implemented Batch API for Prices
- Fixed make "close" button in GridViews is accessible by using keyboard
- Fixed make "Open File" dialog is opened by keyboard
- Fixed scroll to top button does not work from keyboard on the Storefront
- Fixed specify date parameter types in query builder to avoid metadata lookups
- Fixed attribute import does not trigger product re-indexation
- Fixed map loader mask is overlapping dialog popup on the Customer or Customer User view page in back-office
- Fixed import at WYSIYWYG (Grape JS) doesn't save css changes
- Fixed use fallback to localization is not saved in the title field in the web catalog node
- Fixed pages loose scroll after product is deleted from shopping list
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.3 version
- Fixed all custom product attributes are marked global when upgrading to 4.1 even in single organization setup
- Fixed hardcoded workflow name breaks customization of b2b_flow_checkout
- Optimized product image indexation
- Added configuration for ES index text fields disabling full text search
- Fixed gracefully fail rule evaluation on errors
- Fixed segments from all organizations are displayed in segment selector in Reports & Segments of non-Global organization
- Fixed validation message appears after clicking "Choose File" in the "Import" pop-up
- Implemented Selective Price Indexation
- Fixed Autocomplete/SearchHandler does not restrict results per organization
- Fixed Webcatalog category canonical URL points to page with different number of products
- Fixed tasks Show Incorrect Context Label on Grid View
- Fixed URL slug is not created if enter only a title value and immediately save the landing page
- Fixed Wrong account is locked when same email is used for both storefront and back-office user accounts
- Fixed Accessibility for SELECT2 widget
- Fixed make grid mass-actions accessible by keyboard
- Fixed make accessible date-picker from the keyboard
- Fixed failed price import with multiple consumers
- Fixed Open Product Image Gallery by pressing "Enter" button on focused "Zoom" icon
- Fixed keyboard navigation Shopping Lists drop-down
- Fixed double pronunciation of the Shopping List in flash message
- Fixed uploaded attachments in "Send Email" dialog don't match the design
- Fixed additional scroll to top span displayed on the storefront pages
- Fixed target Window option in Frontend Menu items
- Fixed Infinity loop(302 redirects) from login to profile on account profile page
- Fixed email campaign sending out to contacts not in the marketing list
- Fixed investigate performance of large shopping list and checkout
- Fixed "Contact us" form has wrong additional inputs
- Added accessibility rules for "Language" switcher
- Fixed not all requested quantities are included in RFQ confirmation email
- Fixed content in WYSIWYG editor is not saved after formatting the copied text.
- Fixed 500 error is shown instead of 404 page on some incorrect URLs
- Fixed incorrect routing for media in multi websites configuration
- Improved required fields according to accessibility requirements on the Storefront
- Fixed modifying newly created Content Node may lead to 500 error
- Implemented translations for GrapesJS editor actions
- Fixed organization user in import file is not assigned as entity owner
- Fixed HTML entities not escaped in product name on product view page
- Fixed new content block variant overrides content of previously created content block variant
- Fixed meta title is used for page title of storefront product view page and web catalog nodes
- Fixed CombinedPriceListScheduleResolver::updateCombinedPriceListConnection sends to reindex all products assigned to full CPL
- Fixed lost relation between email address and owner entity in RFQ
- Fixed Product details page produces 500 server error after adding 'multiple images' data-type product attribute to the "Images" tab of product family
- Fixed after successfully adding a Product to the Quick Order Form, the scroll disappears
- Fixed validation of non UTF-8 import file with non existing parent customer leads to consumer failure
- Fixed new address form during checkout is pre-populated with existing address data
- Fixed product grid per-page navigation doesn't work with disabled JavaScript
- Fixed Quick order form does not update product prices when added product is changed
- Excluded container-wrapper from WYSIYWYG export and import
- Fixed features "GTM events on product page" and "Feature: GTM events on shopping list" fail
- Implemented Batch API for Orders and Products
- Implemented Batch API for Customers and Customer Users
- Fixed sitemap generation memory leak
- Fixed Title of master catalog category view page on storefront is hardcoded
- Fixed email autoresponse is not sent
- Fixed lack of price sorting in ProductPriceProvider on matching price tiers
- Fixed AuthorizeNet integration does not send customer IP
- Fixed case Insensitive Coupon Codes
- Fixed Error on saving content node title translated into Hebrew
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.2 version
- Fixed parent_block_widget renders some widgets multiple times
- Fixed not removed product image files
- Fixed disallow disable-triggers option of oro:price-lists:recalculate command on MySQL
- Fixed customer user cannot sign in if there is a customer user with the same email in a different organization
- Fixed slugs are not generated when importing categories
- Added xss tests for the DAM functionality
- Implemented ADA: Shopping Lists drop-down refactor
- Implemented ADA: Checkout
- Implemented styling "Product Segment Content Widget Type"
- Storefront Web Content Accessibility: Shopping list page
- Fixed Out of memory during product visibility recalculation
- Fixed hide WYSIWYG editor on Tablet devices
- Fixed hide asterisks from fields using aria-hidden attribute
- Fixed "allowClear" option not work in "Select2" field at frontend
- Removed extra "Extend field cannot be added" errors from log
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.20 version
- Fixed user is not redirected back to PayPal after express checkout funding failure error (10486)
- Fixed wrong product is selected in quick order form
- Fixed use localized URLs in storefront language switcher
- Fixed extra customer user created by registration during guest checkout in both checkout workflows
- Fixed invalid store front menu security check
- Fixed new providence region for Bahamas is missing
- Fixed not removed product image files
- Fixed on Storefront on Configurable product view page error message "Error occurred during layout update. Please contact system administrator."
- Fixed slow creation of Combined Price Lists
- Fixed Export/Import Related Products
- Fixed email notifications continue to be sent to disabled user accounts
- Fixed performance issue when validating a CustomerUser linked to a Customer which have many CustomerUsers
- Fixed failed pricing recalculation by UniqueConstraintViolationException with multiple consumers
- Fixed sitemap generation may cause an overflow error on oro_web_catalog_product_limit table
- Fixed sitemap for the websites with dedicated domains contains incorrect links
- Fixed 500 errors on trying to access wrong shopping list id
- Fixed paymentMethod is not available in promotion expressions
- Fixed wrong canonical URLs for the website located in the sub-directory
- Fixed an error occurred while import related products with incorrect structure template
- Fixed 500 error on storefront during schema update
- Fixed Storefront option filter is displayed even when all products in the result set have the same value
Release Notes
Please note that this release contains some backwards incompatible changes in the code. Generally we maintain backwards compatibility on the code level in all patch releases (see, but in case of 4.1.1 release considering there was only one customer who finished their upgrade to 4.1.0 and the changes in 4.1.1 have not affected their upgrade process, after carefully evaluating the benefit of making a number of significant improvements available in 4.1 this year before majority of the customers even start the upgrade, we decided to include these changes in 4.1.1. Please carefully check if the changes listed below affect any of your customizations before attempting to upgrade.
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.1
- Fixed user is not redirected back to PayPal after express checkout funding failure error (10486)
- Implemented B2C Website Configuration
- Fixed mark ID as required field in API documentation
- Fixed wrong product is selected in quick order form
- Removed InvoiceBundle
- Implemented localized URLs in storefront language switcher
- Fixed extra customer user created by registration during guest checkout in both checkout workflows
- Fixed invalid store front menu security check
- Fixed new Providence region for Bahamas is missing
- Fixed Product attributes may conflict with form fields added by form extensions
- Fixed Product import accepts invalid fallback values of localizable fields and imported products cannot be edited
- Implemented Product Segment Content Widget Type
- Fixed It is possible to delete primary unit precision relation from product via API
- Implemented set Order Total and Subtotal via API
- Fixed on Storefront on Configurable product view page error message "Error occurred during layout update. Please contact system administrator."
- Fixed there is no username in the "Users" column in the OAuth application grid in the Second Non-Global organization
- Implemented insert video to the content area
- Hided WYSIWYG editor on mobile devices
- Fixed slow creation of Combined Price Lists
- Fixed missing field name validation allows conflicts with additional WYSIWYG "_properties" and "_style" fields
Entity with WYSIWYG type field cannot be POSTed through API - Fixed hardcoded English localization breaks import/export template when English is not present
- Fixed validation for add Product Attribute from other Organization missing in PATCH /admin/api/products/{id}
- Fixed value of system WYSIWYG GrapeJS field "Description" on Create/Update Product Form is not exported/imported
- Implemented ADA: Add refactor fieldset items for Сustomer user form
- Implemented ADA: Add styles for focus links / buttons / form elements
- Implemented ADA: Flash messages
- Implemented ADA: Breadcrumbs
- Improve accessibility of the header elements
- Implemented ADA: Shopping Lists drop-down refactor
- Implemented ADA: home page issue
- Implemented Product item on Product Listing and Home pages
- Implemented improvements for the footer section
- Implemented ADA: PLP
- Implemented ADA: PDP
- Implemented ADA: My account
- Added 7.4 support
- Fixed 500 error when trying to open Users grid
- Fixed unable to open accounts for viewing in the Second non-global organization on Back-office
- Fixed broken layout on "Create Landing page" popup when create Landing page from Web Catalogs
- Fixed issue with background in WYSIWYG
- Decreased GrapesJS editor height and improve sidebar
- Added styles for File and Image collection fields
- Fixed impersonate mode is not available if Guest Access is disabled
- Fixed email notifications continue to be sent to disabled user accounts
- Fixed block boundaries are displayed incorrectly on mobile view in WYSIWYG
- Fixed unable to set "Default value" after changes in the "Inherit Localization" field on Product description block
- Fixed performance issue when validating a CustomerUser linked to a Customer which have many CustomerUsers
- Implemented option to paste data as plain text
- Fixed failed pricing recalculation by UniqueConstraintViolationException with multiple consumers
- Fixed sitemap generation may cause an overflow error on oro_web_catalog_product_limit table
- Fixed adding several content widgets with the "Image slider" type to WYSIWYG editor result to errors on the Storefront
- Fixed URL slug is not created if enter only a title value and immediately save the landing page
- Fixed sitemap for the websites with dedicated domains contains incorrect links
- Fixed Product name is not displayed in guest shopping list dropdown if product has no prices
- Fixed impossible to download file added in WYSIWYG editor on Product view page
- Implemented Symfony 5 compatibility for Twig Inspector extension
- Fixed Shopping list configuration not applied properly on B2C demo
- Fixed search indexation fails on websites created before products are added
- Fixed 500 errors on trying to access wrong shopping list id
- Fixed broken layout on the Product view page after adding created image slider into the column to the description of product
- Fixed wrong extended_entity_name in children-by-customer-grid
- Fixed inline created link has no settings before saving
- Fixed it is not possible to save page with link using target attribute
- Fixed paymentMethod is not available in promotion expressions
- Fixed backoffice is not available after creating new entity with WYSIWYG field type
- Fixed landing page content is not rendered if it contains content block with empty content variants
- Fixed GrapesJS does not render "copyrights" inline widget properly
- Implemented keyboard navigation for Main Top Menu
- Implemented make the same focus elements ordering according to supported browsers
- Fixed migration from 3.1LTS to 4.1LTS
- Added draggable attribute to the list of permitted attributes
- Fixed wrong canonical URLs for the website located in the sub-directory
- Fixed an error occurred while import related products with incorrect structure template
- Fixed 500 error on storefront during schema update
- Fixed Product attribute of image type is rendered on the storefront despite of the disabled "commerce" file application
- Changed the top search field focus behavior
- Fixed storefront option filter is displayed even when all products in the result set have the same value
- Fixed price recalculation may cause out of range increment error on oro_price_product_combined table
- Added a possibility to scroll a content inside a consent popup using the Space button
OroCommerce 4.1 LTS version is now available
Analytics, Navigation & Data Management
- Google Tag Manager integration along with Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce reporting
- Partial exports (applying filters on exported data)
- User impersonation (login as customer)
New CMS capabilities
- Advanced WYSIWYG editor to allow full control over content, layout and presentation
- Configurable role-based content editing permissions
- Drafts and the ability to build publication workflows
- Full support of source editing to allow an IT department to publish HTML content generated by 3rd party tools
- Various content widgets (configurable image slider, product miniblock, etc.)
- The ability to upload and easily link to images, PDF attachments, and other types of content files
Setup & Administration
- Improved management of product attributes
- Full separation of product data in a multi-organizational setup
- Additional localization improvements
- Simplified configuration for B2C websites
Technology & Developer Experience
- Upgrade to Symfony 4.4 LTS
- Full integration of WebPack and Babel into asset build toolchain
- Extended API, additional configurations and improved authentication methods to simplify integration with enterprise-level middleware & enterprise ERPs. WSSE support will be marked as deprecated in favor of oAuth 2.0
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.19 version
- Fixed product import accepts invalid fallback values of localizable fields and imported products cannot be edited
- Fixed possible to delete primary unit precision relation from product via API
- Fixed duplicated shopping list items in GTM events
- Fixed hardcoded English localization breaks import/export template when English is not present
- Implemented Menu Page Target
- Improved block view cache generation
- Enabled view source action in TinyMCE for 3.1 version
- Fixed incorrect write cache file in abstract layout loader
- Fixed wrong extended_entity_name in children-by-customer-grid