.. index:: single: input beam
:menuselection:`File --> Setup Input Beam (F9)`
:menuselection:`Windows --> Pumps --> Pump --> Edit (Enter)`
The dialog allows to set up the input beam parameter for SP schemas. The input beam is also called a pump.
When you change the schema :doc:`trip-type<trip_type>` to SP, the first pump is automatically created with type :ref:`Waist <pump_mode_waist>`. Then you can add more input beams of :doc:`different types <pump_mode>` using the :doc:`Pumps window <pumps_window>` and switch between them. |rezonator| can store an arbitrary number of input beams; however, it can calculate only one of them at time, which is called the active pump.
The command also invoked for the active pump by double-clicking on the pump type icon in the status bar. In the Pumps window, the dialog is shown when you double-click a pump row.
.. seealso:: :doc:`pump_mode`, :doc:`pumps_window`