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Fery Wardiyanto feryardiant
Doing my best at @creasico

@creasico Batang, Indonesia

Wesley Brito wesleybritovlk
Software Developer | Java | Python | JavaScript | Angular | Spring

EVIGBrasil Taboão da Serra, SP, Brasil

raj krishna Krishna-js45
helo Folks, Im Rajkrishna.

AlphaBytes.corp salem,India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


YuRuiH xia0ne
a green hand coder


Marco Aurelio Cardoso marcoaureliocardoso
IT Professional | DevOps Enthusiast | Passionate about Software Development | Gamer in free time
许大仙 Aurorxa

许大仙 江苏省苏州市

Misaki Misaki030112
If only I could be reincarnated

QAQ HangZhou

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Tạ Quang Khôi TaQuangKhoi
I'm a Software Developer/ a Musician make music with Ardour


GJLMoTea gjlmotea
左手寫Golang,右手寫Angular。 ...然後大腦爆炸了,這是什麼難寫的組合?
Nchotie Cliford Ndonwie Nchotie-cliford
BSC in Computer sciences at the University of Bayreuth.


David DavidHLP
I love code and I love open source projects
A.S Alexei0403
You can't be happy if you don't have a dream.
Vu Nguyen vunguyen4920
"... embrace the work-life imbalance. Work less, live more." - Masood Boomgaard


Kaizhao Zhang zhangkaizhao
To be a computer hacker.



Alipay Hangzhou, China

Tsiry Sandratraina tsirysndr
Building @fluentci-io and @pocketenv-io 🦀 🦕 ❄️ 🧑‍🔬 💻 🚀

@fluentci-io Antananarivo / Madagascar

SavvyJC JasonC761
Just a lonely developer trying to make it in the world.

Meridian Man Dev Guthrie, OK

Miracle xuexianqi456
~(∠・ω< )⌒☆​