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This organization was marked as archived by an administrator on Aug 22, 2023. It is no longer maintained.
Minh Khanh Le thisiscaau
CS and Math enthusiast currently based in Sydney.


George Hetrelezis g-htz
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Software Engineer β€’ πŸŽ“ UTS Computer Science grad β€’ πŸ’» Tech enthusiast β€’ πŸ’‘ Disquisitive β€’ 🏞 Amateur photographer

Sydney, Australia

Billionaire DendiBoss DeFiTON
Development and product management of decentralized projects. Love open-source & Web3. Deeply immersed in the IT world, exploring with passion and game.

@TerminusFinance Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Amy! amydevs
Software Engineer and Computer Science Student

@MatrixAI @SpinShare Australia

Sebastian Pietschner sebasptsch
Software enginering student down in Australia.


Leefe TenguTech
#include <bio.h>


Nigel James njames
I am an "Enterprise" software architect with a passion for helping those embarking on STEM careers. I run @squarecloudlabs and consult around the world.

Square Cloud Pty Ltd Central Coast, NSW