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Grigoriy Starostin grigoriy-st
Network engineer. DevOps is interesting!


AnZreww An-314

Tsinghua University 北京

Nuno Edgar Nunes Fernandes nunofernandes-plight
I am aformer Physics Engineer. I have a healthy passion for Computers, Computing and all related subjects. Eager to learn and help with programming skills.

Photonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital Lisbon, Portugal


KCLC Tokyo

Alina Letzien alina-letzien

Pepperl+Fuchs SE Mannheim, Germany

RieTamura RieTamura
Early Adopter and Streamer


Zeng Ruiming nyllsom
A student majors in computer science from Nanjing University.

Nanjing University China

João Francisco de Matos Tomaz meursault03
undergradutate computer engineering student


José Renato joserdf
Master's student at @gmmsb-lncc | Computational Chemistry

National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI) @gmmsb-lncc

_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
cz xieren58 ShenZhen, China

Yongshun Shreck Ye ShreckYe
Kotlin full stack developer, programming language theory / type theory enthusiast

@huanshankeji Chengdu

Matthias Debernardini matthiasdebernardini
bitcoin and stuff that goes brrrrr


Pau Torras ptorras
Music, Chess, Computers and everything in between.

Computer Vision Center Barcelona

Michael Morgan (Mícheál) morgan
CTO at @caxiam.

Caxiam, Inc. St. Louis, MO

YuYan allenli178
If I rest, I rust.


Michael Gonzalez flakelolz
Self-taught software developer. Trying to learn new things every day. 🦀 Back-end Dev | Game Dev

HUST Wuhan,China

Andrea Berardi andrea-berardi
Non multa, sed multum.

University of Ferrara Europe, Italy

i like spes
Sunip Mukherjee sunipkm
Graduate Student in the Physics Department @UMass Lowell, segfault enthusiast. Interested in parallel speedups, big data, device drivers, operating systems


Rory Yarr roryyarr
Mathematics Gradurate

@NUAC-AV Melbourne

Sawyer Bristol LegitCamper
A passionate Linux user and Rust programmer. Recently been interested in systems programming, embedded, and browser development.

United States

saddam hossain saddamBD
Web 🌐 Development Simplified • Frontend Web Developer • Learning and Building ( Javascript, React.js,Next.js )🚀 • Simpler threads • Join the journey


0xrinegade 0xrinegade
on-chain retardio


ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Vasyl Dizhak rootart
Full stack web developer at Epidemic Sound. GIS and OSM enthusiast. Love triathlon and trail running. Looking for interesting projects.

Epidemic Sound Stockholm, Sweden

Alan Smith alanwsmith
I like making things and taking notes. In fact, I spend a lot of time making things _to_ take notes the u.s.

@isaacs/github 🪦⚰️ @rejuvenate @CellularPrivacy @TPS0
Andrew Elliot Memorytaco

open to position