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HifCare 1210922109
AI Digital Healthcare


KyotoHot dalianhome
country road take me home


Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
mekko:3 M3kk0M3d3sm0
Love selfhosting and coding broken scripts :3
Johnny Lee orothy579

midbar South Korea

Peu Borges MCookinho
💻Computer Engineer | Software Developer | Technology Enthusiast

SENAI-CIMATEC Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

@falila falila
DLT | Software Engineer


Junior Backend Developer | Go
AndeepSoft sshfirewall
Coding & Design

East Java

Carles Bou riderSide

ZATSolutions Els Hostalets de Pierola

Mariusz Turski blackmonoceros

IT Special Projects Poland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Khensane MissK143
Business Scientist > Data > Customer Success


Mohammad Nabizade mohammadnabia
BS Computer engineering & M.Sc IT engineering (multimedia systems)


Shuaiwen CUI Shuaiwen-Cui
PhD Candidate at NTU | IoT| Edge Intelligence| Structural Health Monitoring| Digitization and Automation in Civil Engineering

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Andre Hamman hammanandre
Game dev, Unity, things, Private account, professional stuff happens on private hosted git these days.
Robson Costa robson-costa
Embedded System Engineer & IoT Researcher/Professor

@AgroTechLab-IFSC @controlle-innovation Lages/SC - Brazil

Robson Costa (IFSC) robsoncosta-ifsc
Researcher and professor at IFSC (Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina) and director of @AgroTechLab-IFSC in Brazil.

IFSC Lages/SC - Brazil