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Joshua Ross jershbytes
amateur automation, Linux and wow nerd.


The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

conjuring the spirits of the computer with my spells

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Stefan LeBel stefanlebel
Engineer, scientist, hobby programmer.

Montreal, Canada

(老外) doug nullniverse
我们在知识的海洋里求索。Vassal @ TCS LLC

特贸 Cyber Remote

Stephan Hadan stiebke
💻 OSS enthusiast | 🔧 Mac & beyond sysadmin | 🤖 AI practitioner | 🆔 Zero Trust advocate | 🚀 Open Source > proprietary | Always exploring tech’s edge!

Pforzheim, Germany

John Cosentino jcosentino
Always aspire for greatness.

American Express Staten Island, NY

Yurchenko Andrew aykyiv
Front-end engineer developer

Areyall Kyiv, Ukraine

Hey, IT is my passion in any way. My new devices need to be smart. If they aren't, i'll force them to get smart 😎
Joshua Paul Verdin verdinjoshua06
I'm a software engineer

Github Gulfport

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Mola [MASTER] molamaster999
I like game. :)

MolaMASTER999 Aceh, Indonesia

锂碘 TenviLi
DevOps / React / Manga Creator / Synthsizer

@bilibili [object GeoData]

Cosmos89 theCosmos89-projects
De España (Girona, Catalunya) mi leguaje favorito siempre ha sido He adquirido mis conocimientos de forma autodidacta. Usuario de la red IRC-Hispano
Hayden hbilbo
I am an aerospace engineering student with my primary coding experience being in Python and Matlab.
bogdanstănese bog739
~ I am interested in all sorts of technical topics ~
Steve Moraco stevemoraco
i taught myself how to code (badly) in 2023 w GPT-4, after over a decade lurking on github as a contributing designer to a few projects in highschool/college

LANDER Colorado

Mark Wilson mkww87
IT Professional learning cloud/infrastructure engineering skills

Central Coast of California

Antonin Messinger amessinger

Ponton 17 Paris, France

mohsreg mohsreg
The Illest TV Screen.
HAAI TEAM haai-team
Use hands to mine, to code, to create in AI times.

Beijing, China