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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Woocheol Jung root-devvoo
🧑🏻‍💻 DevOps Engineer

MYDAYA Inc. Seongnam-si, Repulic of Korea

jh Kim demyank88
Master of Computer Science, Yonsei University. Interested in AI, ML, DevOps, MLOps, AWS, Big data, Web, App, etc. C/C++, JAVA, Python, and etc.

Korea(Republic of)

Dong Hyeon, Shin dongkoony
AWS Cloud & DevOps Engineer [email protected]

South Korea, Seoul

정주영 heeragi

(주)알라딘커뮤니케이션 서울시 중구 서소문로 89-31


FADU Seoul / Korea

choeunhak choeunhak
DevOps Engineer

MIDASIN Seoul, Korea

Eden longlg88
SeungHeon Jang(Eden)


Lee Jisang matrixpower1004
Backend Sever Engineer | Java | Spring Boot | Oracle | MySQL | AWS EC2 | AWS S3 | AWS RDS | Docker |

Seoul, Republic of Korea

민규 migugin
I'm a front-end developer with a keen interest in cloud computing and DevOps. 😁


Jihoon Yoon jhyoonzi

Cocone Engineering Seoul, Republic of Korea

funkidz 39roc
Just do it

Incheon, Korea

KuemJong Jeong Floodnut
Succeed as a team.

Seoul, South Korea

Kim HyoGeun HiGeuni

Seoul National University Of Science And Technology Seoul

Yeonghae Choi coding-convention
SW Maestro 14th / KITRI BoB 11th
Juyoung Suk scottsuk0306
M.S. student at LK Lab @kaistAI, Intern @trillion-labs

@kaistAI Seoul

@nforgetgrace nforgetgrace
📌 𝘢𝘬𝘢. Gookii                 💻 Software Engineer                ✨ Technical Writing, Side Project          

KT ds Seoul

Jenna Sprattler jksprattler
SRE @kentik | Multi-Cloud Infrastructure, Network & Security


Park Chanho great-park

Software Maestro 14th | Korea Univ. Dept of Chemistry(1st) & Computer Science and Engineering(2nd) Seoul, Korea

Wilson Mar wilsonmar

# Working in an off-grid truck. If only.

BeomUp by-nho

Seoul, Republic of Korea

nanamix nanamix
✔ 행복을 찾아가는 개발자 ✈


Fullstack Software Engineer
Eduardo Rabelo oieduardorabelo

Auckland - NZ