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Thiago Alencar thiagoalencar1
Just a discreet software developer wandering through cyberspace.


Lucas Alves da Silva silva4dev
Software Engineer | Building with Ruby, Java, Ruby on Rails, Spring Boot, React.js, Next.js, TDD & Clean Architecture

Sinaxys | Recruitment and Health Solutions São Paulo, Brazil

Giovana Niehues ngiovana
Systems Analysis and Development student at UDESC

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Douglas Simon Camargo dscamargo
Electrical Engineer 💡 Internet of Things 🤖 Javascript and Typescript 💻 Learning about automated tests and CI/CD 🤖

Chapecó, SC - Brasil

Khairi Adnan mkhairi
Fullstack Dad, love ruby, crystal, rust, etc..

@tekno-labs Shah Alam, Malaysia

Ismael Stahelin ismaels
I'm a developer, husband, father, dog lover. I love to code and learn new languages and frameworks.


Sérgio Campos Silvério campos-sergio
DDD(Dollar Driven Developer) • Skilled feature builder • Fierce bug slayer o/

Mamute TI Tech Caraguatatuba - SP, Brazil

Gustavo Castro athekes
Formado em Engenharia de Computação e desenvolvedor web com Ruby on Rails

GTi Egenharia Jr Fortaleza, Ceará

Scotto joaoscotto

@mailtop Brazil

Davide Almeida davide-almeida
Software Developer

Locaweb Brazil

Pedro Paiva vsppedro
I hope you're doing fine! Have a nice day!

Local Labs

Ycaro Pires Ycaro-Oleg
FullStack Developer in formation

Coreplan Fortaleza/CE

Guilherme Gazzinelli guilhermegazzinelli

Fusion Tecnologia Divinópolis

Josh Powell joshRpowell

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Bashar Herbawi v1rushb
CSE Student at PPU | Competitive programmer | Emerging backend developer

Foothill Technology Solutions Palestine, West Bank

Hijazi Mhijazi16
Software Engineer | Linux Practiconar | ASP.NET Developer | Computer Science Student

[email protected] Hebron, Palestine

Eric ericdaher

Campinas, Brazil

Maxson Ferovante maxsonferovante
Backend Developer | Python | FastAPI | Django| Java | Spring
André Luiz Leoni andreleoni
I'm a developer in love with beautiful code.

@enjoei Joinville, SC, Brazil

Vitor Oliveira Vitor0liveira
Software Engineering


Frankyston Lins frankyston
Ruby on Rails developer

Franat Network Fortaleza, Ce

Gabriel Fontoura Dos Santos byellokore
Let's have fun!

Petal Solutions Québec - Canada

Fabian Mersch f-mer
Software engineer. Interested in low and high-level programming.
Gabriel Azevedo AzvedoGabriel
Software Engineering Student ll UCSal
José Anchieta anchietajunior
Software Engineer - Ruby/Rails/Hotwire Native

Paulo Afonso, BA

Renan Rudney renanrudney
Software Engineer @ Produttivo app | Student @ UFPR | Ruby on Rails | React | DDD, Clean, SOLID

Produttivo app Curitiba - PR - Brazil

Eugênio Moreira moreiraeugenio
Software Engineer | Back-end Developer | Java, Kotlin, Spring


bragamat bragamat
Open source enthusiast!
Alfredo Del Fabro Neto alfredodelfabro
Professional Services Consultant @RocketChat

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Elisson Guímel Guistoff081
Entusiasta de tecnologia, estudante de TI, gamer e músico nas horas vagas B)

@GreemTech, @atlantis-software-solutions Recife

Gildemberg Santos gildemberg-santos
Software Developer

@neurologicai Aquiraz, Ceará, Brasil

Douglas Lara douglara

Curitiba/PR - Brasil

Wedson Lima wedsonlima

TechDojo middle earth

Igor Rezende igorgesso
Software Engineer

Belo Horizonte

Will Douglas willdowglas
Software Engineer - Elixir | Ruby

@trioHQ Curitiba, Brazil

Catharina Mesquita acmesquita
Dev Full Stack

@pier-digital Brasil