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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Vincent vivicentina
An academic amateur
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Umman Mammadov UMMAN2005
CNCF Kubestronaut ⎈ | Software & DevOps Engineer

Baku, Nizami, Azer Manafav 1

Full-stack developer | ASP.NET core | Vue.js | JavaScript | TypeScript | MongoDB | SQL | Docker | Ansible | K8S | Terraform | CI/CD | Prometheus
Baalateja Kataru bkataru
⟨e|acc⟩ hacking at it till grug says "software go zoom" | prev. computational physics in neutrino phenomenology

the grid, a digital frontier

Ghost Ghost414Entourage
Wisdom Ekpotu wisdomekpotu
DevOps Engineer


Bill Fitzpatrick billfitz73
CEO at Loop1. We push IT operations forward with data fusion and L1M3, turning data into insights for better decisions while helping people grow and thrive.

Loop1 LLC Austin, TX

Oleksandr Turytsia turytsia
Coming up 🌎

@solarwinds Czech Republic, Brno

Travis J. Neuman travisjneuman
I.T. Professional who is just here to learn something new. Grand Rapids, Michigan

Etdi J. etdij

Bali, Indonesia

Mysore Rahul rahulmysore23
In love with Go and Neovim
Young yanghao5
We choose to go to the mars
Ny718-212 ny718-212
the world is yours.
Iuri de Lima Ferreira iiiiiuri
💻Backend | 🐍 Python Enthusiast

Horizon IT Solutions Santa Rosa de Viterbo, SP, BR

Adeptec adeptec
Adeptec is a global IT service company delivering innovative solutions that improve the way organizations manage IT.

Adeptec Worldwide

Classic Values classicvalues
Software Development and Design Corporation built by Freelancing Solo-entrepreneur

Laudate Corpus LLC Union City, CA

Design & Communications for New Age. I build eCommerce Sites on visually managed content-management systems and deploy them on High-Performance VMs. WP/MageOS

WE SKY PRINT LLP @weskyprint Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Manas Mangal Pattanaik ultimatemanas-swi
An Exceptional Man

SolarWinds Bangalore