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Subhransu Acharya subhransuacharya
Data Engineer | Scalable System Enthusiast

Flutura Bengaluru

XeusNguyen Xeus-Territory
Be stayed humble and enthusiastic with passion. An indie researcher who wants to bring new things. 🖐🏼 Viet Nam

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Valentin Daviot vdaviot
Senior Software Engineer @ Scality

@scality Paris, Madeleine

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

KuroNeko imkuroneko
🦄 Mother of unicorns · 🐌 FiveM Dev 💻 WebDev FullStack (7y)


Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Helen Chan helenchw

CUHK Hong Kong

Simon SCTCoding
I am a technologist, Macintosh System Administrator, tinkerer, and generally odd guy.


Joshua Wowk joshuawowk

High Purity New England Smithfield, RI

S1rok1 sirok1
Discord - s1rok Vk - Tg - @sirok_1
Giorgio Regni GiorgioRegni
Digital brain, Analog Heart - Software Ninja - CTO @scality, the Software Defined Storage leader

@scality San Francisco

Md. Abdullah Al Marjan mdmarjanalijss2021
B2B Lead Generation | Data Mining | List Building | Finding Leads| Service [email protected]

Sadia It Rangpur City in Bangladesh

Trần Phúc Hậu hautph
Làm việc và yêu thích mã nguồn mở, thích nguyên cứu tìm hiểu ứng dụng, công nghệ mới

Vinahost Ho Chi Minh city

Gilles Chehade poolpOrg
IT Architect & Lead Developer Open to opportunities, check out my linkedin: Nantes, France

Thomas Carmet tcarmet
Software Engineer @scality



Paris, France

Paco Garcia M41doror
- DevOpsSec / SRE - Tech Writer - Cloud architecture - Malware analyzes


Abdullah Baharoon Asbaharoon
I am Oracle e-business suite R12 ERP user and Junior Student in programming of Java language, also currently I have job purchasing coordinator

@openjdk and @graalvm Yemen

Ser Epsilonser
Valuable information and training to individuals and businesses.


Alex Bennett alexUXUI
Software Eng. & Architect

Denver, CO

Andrea Bovi kambei
The cake is a lie. 🍰

S.I.Geo S.r.l. Rome, Italy