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Han scheehan
typical person interests to explore the unknown


Lavumi lavumi

Seongnam-si, South Korea

Kiroo (Chanung) zlfn
I don't know what i'm doing

@hyperithm Seoul

Mudassar Islam Demonicious
A hobbyist turned Professional Programmer. PHP + JS 💛
Adrian Sieber ad-si
CEO @Airsequel | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust

@Airsequel Frankfurt am Main

Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing.


Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Gary Talent gtalent

Aspyr Media Austin, Tx

ℤiλ∀ bugthesystem
human. dad. husband. programmer. optimizer. (b)low-level. gfx & engine hacker. twisted mind 🔘

prev: @Microsoft @Zalando @HEREMaps x=∞,y=∞

Grey greym0uth
UI/UX developer at @honehealth, passionate about design, UX, game development, and having 100s of never to be finished projects.

Milwaukee, WI

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards


Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Zachary Corvidae sneakycrow
a murder of crows wearing a human costume

LAIKA Portland, OR

Nikollesan LuanderFarias
create stuff.

@atmonoliths localhost

mason :) sqrtM


Rhian Moraes rhian-cs
Software Developer at Codeminer42 (Ruby on Rails & JavaScript)


Curly-Howard-Chungus Correspondence | Lamport-Cabot-Codd-Backus-Naur Form ichxorya
WannabeResearcher-ExPartTimeMusicProducer. Currently interested in PLDI, MDSE, and symbolic computation. BOINC cruncher (UET-VNU-2022).

@vnu-frsl @vnu-sme @SEhumantics Ichvers, Esteh, Enurbahnhof, Azeroy

Luis E. Del Toro XReaper95
Mechatronics Engineer and self-taught software developer. Interested in game development and graphics programming.

@solinftec São Paulo

Lox Loxed
Engineering student making dumb fun projects and whatnot Been coding for ~ 15 years.


To me a job is only worth the enjoyment I get” "I have never been able to imagine myself dying so I doubt I ever will by that.
Dylan Sinnott CrmsnDragoon

Perth, Western Australia

SalsaGal SalsaGal
Just a queer Rust developer




Marie Katrine Ekeberg themkat
Emacs evangelist. Also loves Rust and retro computing

Oslo, Norway

Sean McGrail skmcgrail
Software Development Engineer

Seattle, WA

i speak with people and computers. god knows what I do worse.

tg: @soryulangley

Timothy Nibert tnibert
Practicing better living through code

Melbourne, Australia

Thomas Ung tomkimsour
Robotic Software Engineer #BZH Former member of the team RoboBreizh

PAL Robotics Barcelona

Tristan Guichaoua tguichaoua

Rennes, France

Junnun Mohamed Karim junnunkarim
A simple guy with simple needs. Use Linux or else this simple guy might turn into something else :-)
Tap TapGhoul
Making things, breaking yours


Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.