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Just code random crap
Rohan Bharatia Rohan-Bharatia
I am a high school student who is interested in game dev, systems, and V5RC & FRC programming
Garrett Summerfield garrettsummerfi3ld
Open sourcer, mentor, robot enjoyer, software developer.

@pizzabytellc Midwest United States

Bob Campbell mostlybob
Day job: full-stack .Net dev. Side interests: Go, Arduino, .Net core, VueJS. Canadian-born, happily landed in KC.


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

West Pioneers FRC10200
Equipe de FRC do Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Luzerna

Luzerna - SC - Brasil

Arnfinn eielsen

Newcastle, NSW

Ryan Bosley boz336
Hardware engineer flailing aimlessly in the software arena
TANG ZhiXiong district10
Vim user under dvorak. (Hiring for SLAM/GIS/C++/Python talents)

Momenta Suzhou, China

Youmeiyi Pan YoumeiyiPan

University of Rochester Rochester,NY

Pedro (Peter) Palacios pedropalaciosjr
Interested in the intersection of AI and medicine
Sebastian Pietschner sebasptsch
Software enginering student down in Australia.


Caden Dalley PickleFace5
President of FRC 6343, Steel Ridge

Steel Ridge Robotics Ridgefield, Washington

Nhan Nguyen Qourle
Just a student who is interested in building stuff.

Meadowcreek High School

Philip Arola philiparola

@biamp-engineering Democratic People's Republic of Portland

Paria Amini pariaamini
Co-Founder of TheMedullaProject
Dante Kaled Kaldito


Ice IceFire03
Coding as a hobby until it eventually consumes my life (it already has)
RhemaRobotics rhemarobotics
Startups working on robotics

Rhema Robotics Kaohsiung

Cody Wellman zagdrath
Network Technician, Software/Hardware Developer

@quartzsystems Michigan, United States

Flip flippest

@Denbot Denver, CO

Zachery Bir zacbir
Thinking and occasionally typing as a service.

Richmond, VA

Rowan Deaton rowan-asher
REV Robotics Customer Success Specialist + Computer Science Student

@REVrobotics Dallas, Texas