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David7ce David7ce
Web dev & FOSS enthusiast

🇮🇨 🇪🇸

Jimmy David Cevallos Zambrano DavidCevallos15
Estudiante de Tecnologías de la Información


Kai YoooKai
Graduated in Fine Arts. I also play bass and have 3 dogs. Love fantasy, nature, and horror. Currently studying Web Development!

IES Puerto de la Cruz Tenerife

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Eloy Pérez eloypr
Computer Science and Software Engineer

Eivor Systems S.L. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, España

Rubén Pérez 9Shuck
Software Engineer. Full Stack Development. A programming language is a tool not the path to solve a problem 🚀

@Factorial Spain


SaudiArabia Dammam

Jimena Bermúdez JimenaEB
- Ex-President of Python Spain - Pylady - Empowering women in STEM 👩‍💻 ✊ - Proud speaker 🎤

@octoenergy @python-spain Madrid

CrowDeveloper YerobeGG
Passionate student and junior
Alejo alejandro-ser
👨‍💻WEB_DEVELOPER = { FRONT: 'Angular', BACK: 'NestJS', OS: '🐧GNU / Linux', FROM: 'Manizales - Col', IN: 'Frankfurt - DE' } Frankfurt / Manizales

Adrián Herrera adrianhrb
Technology enthusiast. Learning software development! 💻

Canary Islands

Samuel González samugd17
Looking for new opportunities in the world of web development! 🚀

IES Puerto de la Cruz Santa Úrsula

Aldemar Bohorquez aldemarbr94
🎓 Mechanical Engineer 🥇 Data Scientist 💻 Python & R || Java || JavaScript & HTML || MySQL || PowerBI || Git & GitHub

Bogotá, Colombia

Julio Alaniz JulioAlaniz

Mar del Plata, Argentina

Alejandro Hernández alherdom
Web Application Developer | Industrial automation and robotics technician.

IES Puerto de la Cruz Canary Islands - Tenerife

Adrián mrroot5 Spain

Raúl Pérez Hernández rperezh

Universidad de La Laguna La Laguna