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Carson Farmer cfarm6
- Engineering Ph.D. Student at Liberty University - Chief of Operations at @VagusLLC

Liberty University Virginia

Nikos Chamakos nikoscham
Chemical Engineer, holding a PhD from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece

ELKEME SA Athens, Greece

Flavio Martins EngFlavioMartins
PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Flow Physics and Technology Department, Wind Energy Section TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands

@TUDelft Delft, Netherlands

Charlie (Chen Gong) c7888026
Ph.D Student

Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai, GuangDong, China

Tạ Quang Khôi TaQuangKhoi
I'm a Software Developer/ a Musician make music with Ardour


Georgios Kafanas gkaf89
Member of @greeklug and @ULHPC

University of Luxembourg

YT.Q YatengQ
PHD student of JI.

SJTU Shanghai

Martina Di Gennaro martidig
PhD Student in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology.

Politecnico di Milano Milano (Italy)

Ehsan Golab EhsanGLB
Interested in Math, Programming, and Natural and Applied Sciences; C/C++, Python, OpenFOAM, and OpenLB; Heat and Mass Transfer, Hemodynamic, and Drug Delivery

Sharif University of Technology Tehran

Researcher at Utrecht University

Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands

Senior Software Engineer @TOffeeAM, admin and maintainer @fortran-lang, PhD @ AMCG, @ImperialCollegeLondon

@ToffeeAM @ImperialCollegeLondon @fortran-lang London, UK

Ru Xiang RuruX
PhD candidate at University of California San Diego
Thomas Rees tr1010
Tech Lead | ToffeeX

TOffeeAM Ltd. London

Francis Black Lee FrancisBlackLee
PhD student at Physics Department of Fudan University. Coder and developer of electron microscopy simulation and analysis software.
Minsoo Kang Orome0806

Hanyang University South Korea

Kanishk Bhatia kanishkbh
CSE @ Technical University of Munich. JAX, Python, C++.


Benjamin Rodenberg BenjaminRodenberg

Technical University of Munich