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Adam adamsuniverse
Bored, Moody, Grumpy
Not that smart mattc-try
Cryptography and Cybersecurity, I also dabble in software engineering full stack :)

SnT Luxembourg

Seonghyun Park shpark
Tired of mediocrity
Quentin quentinhb
Cybersecurity 🔒 & Cloud ☁ Engineer


Cosmin cosmind-rusu
Web developer & DevOps 💻🇷🇴


Robert Nowotniak rnowotniak
Engineer, PhD in Computer Science. I'm interested in cybersecurity, data privacy, self-hosting, high-performance computing, automation Europe

HJulián Mejía stereohj
A technology and science enthusiast. Sometimes a Python/JS explorer. 😎
Simon Ljungbeck SL2000s
I am a PhD student in the Cryptography group at DTU Compute.

Technical University of Denmark

Ricardo Olsen riclolsen
I am an independent open-source developer. I design and develop SCADA/EMS and related systems for the power sector since 1998.

Porto Alegre - Brazil

Akbar Tri Laksana 0x000Akbar
Athena© - Artificial Super Intelligence, Quantum Supremacy, and Blockchain Technology

Akbar Group Edge Kediri, Jawa Timur

Adrián Nagy adonagy

Bratislava, Slovakia

Vineet Kumar Vineet011235
CSE 3st Year at IIT Roorkee
Philip Broadway philipbroadway

@iclassproinc 🏜️ ABQ,NM

Sebastián Benítez sebastianbenitezW
Наше дело правое, враг будет разбит, победа будет за нами.

San Salvador, ES

Chocka Chidambaram chockalingamc
SDE - AWS Cryptography

@aws @awslabs @corretto

Alan Davis akdavis83
Blockchain Dev | Full-Stack Dev | Web3 | Faith-Based Sites | Zero To Blockchain @ Kingsland University | My faith in Jesus Christ is #1! |
Vish vishvish
Consultant / Analyst / Writer / Programmer / Ex-Photojournalist

Northern Europe

Kamyar Mohajerani kammoh
PhD student at George Mason University and member of Cryptographic Engineering Research Group

@GMUCERG Fairfax, VA

Ján Jančár J08nY

Eastern Seaboard Phishing Authority

Ayesh Karunaratne Ayesh
Software Architect, Security Researcher, Speaker, Full-time Traveler. Loves Cobblestone pavements, dark chocolate, Blueberry Pierogi, and Oxford Commas.

@phpwatch Everywhere

muji tmpfs

Qi Now-here

Frank Denis jedisct1
Get my public keys here:

Antibes, France

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Shantanu Ghatak cipher4uall
Experimenter, learner, student, enthusiast, autodidact

Personal India

Erfan Esmayili Barzi Erfankam
Like to be an architect

Barziyan Netherland

Jamesyang James567
Embedded Systems Security

National Central Unversity Taiwan

Stefan stefan2904
infosec at @isec-tugraz / @a-sit | formerly: phd @IAIK, ctf @LosFuzzys, cofounder @CryptoPartyGraz, nightshift @realraum

@isec-tugraz, Graz University of Technology Graz, Vienna & Koroška, Europe, Earth

ICT, organization, finance and life: empowerment ignites! Strengthening individuals, and stimulating growth through optimism and pragmatism



Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

Duc Tri Nguyen cothan
Ph.D at George Mason University and member of Cryptographic Engineering Research Group.


yu2C yu2C
Organic -> Theoretical/Computational Chemistry, web3 enthusiasmer


Andrew Robinson imetandy
Founder at END Corp. Working on realtime satellite data for climate science.
