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Ivy Bowman ivybowman
My favorite color is pink, I have a passion for IT, and I'm working towards a cybersecurity career.

@INTERalliance United States

Víctor C.M. victorcm759
My name is Victor, my birthdate is on Jan 31, 2005. I'm a computer student interested in programming Minecraft mods.

Santa Perpetua de Mogoda (Barcelona), Spain

Jessica leywalker

Amnesia Corporation Vermont

Emily Grace Seville EmilyGraceSeville7cf
Illustration designer 🖌️

Canada, Toronto

pixie pixelcmtd
I like trains. Neovim, but Emacs bindings are superior.

@chrissxMedia /usr/bin/env WindowServer

xtex xtexx
A Carbon-Based Humanoid Entity. aka. Zerozaki Ori

Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

osfanbuff63 osfanbuff63
@mojira Helper, Minecraft datapack creator, and various other projects in Python.


Making games in Godot, as well as Minecraft mods. Currently maintaining and creating various Minecraft mods.
Zephyr Lykos mochaaP
i create weird things / all code written by human, not by ai / ※ original works on sourcehut
Lily • Lylythii Lylythii
cute & deranged little girl | likes breaking things open & seeing what happens | currently working on personal projects

@TerraFirmaCraft-The-Final-Frontier @TerraFirmaCraftNetwork @LVLVTHXX Did you know you can put an extremely long location name here? No? Well you can! That's a rather interesting thing don't you think? Perhaps you'd like some Lorem Ipsum? No? Okay then. Go check the rest of my profile instead! It has some cool things on it!