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Frank Mathew Sajan frankmathewsajan

@TechTo-Green Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

bhavitha. nightcoder26
( ̄︶ ̄)↗

Remiscus Rikhil-Nell
A student, interested in computers, hardware and software. hope to be a cyborg one day
Atharv Sharma Atharv5873
👨‍💻 Computer Science | 📊 Data Enthusiast | 🚀 Tech Explorer 🎓 BTech in Computer Science @VIT-AP | 🎓 Graduating in 2026

Manali, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA

Vaibhav Vai-Man
I make things work... eventually.


Anant Satya Mohit Kavuru Condition00
Passionate programmer crafting digital solutions with creativity and precision. Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Unknown Guy unknownguy49
Currently pursuing my bachelor's in CSE. I love coding and I am fluent in Java and Python. I also like gaming and editing photos and videos in my free time.
Himanshu Kumar Sah HimanshuKumarSah
Front-end Developer, Linux User, Designer and Animator, learning Cyber Security


Veda Chinta venxii

VIT-AP University, Amaravati.

Atul Akella atulakella
building really cool thing
Sanjay Bharathi K sanjaybharathik
Linux, Networking and Cloud Applications.
Syed Daniyal Hashmi Daniyalhash
Future Full Stack Software Engineer
Obito TarunSamala
Deep Learning Researcher, Front-end as a side hustle
Abhineet Saha AbhineetSaha
Bachelor student of Computer Science Engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh.
Tharrun S TheDunkinDude
KoMpUtArRrRr cHieNce eNGiNeRR || Avid Graphic Designer ( Self Proclaimed) 2+ years| watch funy japanese cartoons sometimes |
Chandana RChandana
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Enthusiast. Interested in contributing to Open Source. Very proactive in learning and exploring new technologies.

Vellore Institute of Technology, AP Bangalore, Karnataka, India

MohammedAnas Shakil Kazi BlazingPh0enix
Just tryna code 😿


Sai Eeshwar D EESH-843
An enthusiastic, passionate and self-driven individual with a keen interest in the field of Machine learning and Deep learning.

Bangalore, india

Rahul Alokkan Rahul-Alokkan
Constantly looking forward for new opportunities. A Tech-Enthusiast eagerly learning new technology.

VIT Kannur, Kerala

Sai Pranay saipranay47
Creative developer deeply passionate about frontend technologies and also interested in UI/UX design and Branding
Dat Adithya dat-adi
The divide between skill and expectations is strenuous.

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore

Krishna Raj thekodeking
Hacker by Day, Code Slinger by Night: Navigating the Neon-lit Realms of Cyberspace

thekodeking Bengaluru, India

Vijay SVijayB
Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did.

Seattle, USA