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Maximoff defirider
6f044baafff79736d5d559c9db7d2fb8 for verifying my account #ContirubtionDAO @contributedao
zilong.dai zilong-dai
What does when mean? Rust, C++, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol


Otabekubt Otabekubt
Anthony ANThonyRix
Crypto enthusiast. NTF collector. Creator


Momento MomentoAca
Analisi de Mercados, Soporte, Pool, Proyectos, Inversor profesional, Airdrops


Bollines Bollines
Initia Testnet Moniker - demser87
jAleksey jAleksey
🤘 Punk perception. Engineer inside. Heat power engineer. Mountain hiking. 💤Web3 activ: Сommunity manager. DAO development. Tester. Content creator.


0xAadarsh Aadarshbasavoju
Welcome to my GitHub! 👋 I'm a 3rd year CS student at VNR VJIET, focused on IoT. I love Blockchain and Front-End Development. Let's build something awesome!
Frances He Franceshe
An Engineer for atom + bits, Major in Physics & Minor in Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering @ UIUC. Founder of @yolominds

Yolominds.Inc Earth/Mars/SolarSystem

Robert Collins real1969
Im new to the App Development arena but i do have a stong passion to learn.

ReaLApps, Inc. Senoia, GA

Tajir Mohammed Yusuf tajirm

Tajirmcion Ethiopian

Mr. B 0xilbiscione
Go with The flow


Rishabh Gupta rishotics

Rize Labs, ex-Goldman Sachs Bangalore

Advock advock

Mumbai , Luzern

Yi Lu eccstartup

NAU Nankin

Etch pynchmeister
Full-Stack Software Engineer working with Applied Cryptography (Blockchain), Machine Learning, and more.
Olivier owieth
Blockchain Engineer & Web3 Enthusiast™

@FriggGroup Bern, Zurich & Zug (Switzerland)

Domi dominikusbrian
|Learn More, Do More, Share More| |Dream, Dedication, Discipline| |Honest, Humble, Helpful|

DreamBrook Tech Shanghai

Moganesan Moganesan
Blockchain Developer | Open Source Contributor | Freelancer

@Nalikes-Studio Metaverse

wannature wannature
Actually, science is my lady.

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Nowwa N0wwa

Organization Strategy 无名之地

Code Machine pococha
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

Stratus Technologies, Inc. Munich

Yiwei Chen Y77CH
CS @ UW-Madison
habacuc.eth HabacucMX

Zenbit.eth Querétaro