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Aishwary Joshi aishwaryjoshi
Experienced professional in data analytics and data platform management. Actively looking for opportunities in Software Development at the moment.
Raymond Yang yangr0
gimme project ideas


Adhitya Thirumala adhi-thirumala

University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Pittsburgh

Mariano Francisco Rodriguez mariano-f-r
Student/dev who enjoys writing code.

University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois

Jeffrey Hui Slijeff
Master of Computer Science @ UIUC | Graduated Bachelor CS/DS @ UW-Madison | Eager to learn more about CS. 🇭🇰

Geico Champaign, IL

Himanshu Udupi shuMan3114
I wish I knew how to code :// Leave 404s have you ever been through a 502 and ended up in hell??
Abhinav Garg AbhinavGarg90
Computer Engineering student at UIUC
Avaneesh Kumar avaneeshk098
I am a full stack programmer. I have worked on multiple projects in different programming languages.
Chengjun Lu NUMPYFFT
ECE undergrad @ UIUC

San Diego

Yichen (Cobbi) Liu GeneralCorn
20 yr boii | UIUC CS+Math 2026'

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ziyuan Chen AllenHeartcore
'25 MSCS @ Columbia SEAS | '24 ECE UG @ ZJU-UIUC Institute, Haining, China

@Columbia New York, US 10027

Amritesh Dasari amritesh-dasari
CS Graduate from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Ellie Popoca exrlla
moving bytes and pieces @codedex-io

Codédex Chicago, IL

Josh JoshuaS3
Systems Engineering / Minor in Computer Science @ UIUC Grainger (December 2025)

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Soham Kulkarni xuxey
Sr. Director of Tech, @eoh-uiuc Former President, @open-source-at-illinois

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois