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Oskar Manhart oskardotglobal
your friendly neighbourhood Nix user

@cmwedding-it Berlin, Germany

Alex T. dynaz
Alex T. @ CreativeDEV Co.,Ltd.

CreativeDEV Co.,Ltd. Bangkok , Thailand

Jose Beselga MusashiShI
💻 Systems Administrator ✨ Passionate about smart technology 🛠️ Skilled in Ansible, optimizing processes one task at a time. 🎯 Currently at ERPGAP

ERPGAP Viseu - Portugal

Pedro Talaia pedrotalaia
Learning how to code is hard, but fun.

Stealth Startup Portugal

Lucas Soares soareslssa
Brazilian full stack developer. Java, Vue and Angular

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

JhonnyPrz Yusuke1998
Ingeniero en Informatica.

N/A Venezuela

Edward Almanzar edardev
Experienced full stack Web & Mobile Apps developer, skilled in technologies like Ruby on Rails, React.js, React-Native, Nodejs, .Net, Java/Android & more /> New York City

Mehul 5mehulhelp5
Over the last 12+ years, I have developed a wide range of websites using magento,magento2,wordpress,joomla,cake php and zend framework etc.


Uncanny Consulting Services LLP uncannycs

@Uncanny-Consulting-Services India

saheed ppsaheed
God writes on hearts, not paper. Think: Who wrote the DNA ?


Antonio Espinal antonioespinal

GEEKS Dominican Republic