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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


StepBroBD stepbrobd
λƒ.(λ𝑥.ƒ(𝑥 𝑥))(λ𝑥.ƒ(𝑥 𝑥))

Northeastern University Boston, MA

I like programming in Python and Go. Almost everything is interesting to me nowadays.
Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

I guess I'm a nerd

Paris, France

Eric Yang chinesebear
Ph.D Candidate in JNU. Focus on Code Generation, and Generative Fuzzy System. Worked For Huawei Programming Language Lab from 2018 to 2022.

Jiangnan University Wuxi, China

Martin von Reichenberg MartinVonReichenberg
I am here to expand the nostalgic geekyness of my curiosity about hacking and tweaking of previous and today's technology.I Want to help others with convenience

Liberec, Czechia

sanggggg sanggggg

South Korea, Seoul

Ibe Dwi ibedwi

Bandung, Indonesia

Sora Morimoto smorimoto

@ocaml @tc39 Cambridge, UK / Tokyo, Japan

Hyeseong Kim cometkim
Integration engineer | Open source hitchhiker | DX enthusiast

@daangn Seoul

Guillaume Petiot gpetiot
Software engineer.

United Kingdom

David Sancho davesnx
Writing tools and user interfaces for @ahrefs

@ahrefs Barcelona

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Patrick Nicodemus patrick-nicodemus
Computational biology in Python and R. Formally verified mathematics in Coq.

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

M. Kocher mpkocher
@PacificBiosciences Alumni. Former core member of @materialsproject at @BerkeleyLab. Material science Ph.D. Currently enjoying Scala & Python.

San Francisco

Denis Carnier decrn

KU Leuven Leuven, Belgium

Ben Greenman bennn
asst prof

University of Utah Salt Lake City

Gkoran Stoilkovits maxbyz
Gkoran Stoilkovits-Visual Artist who make paintings, sculptures, byzantine icons, printmaking. Enthusiastic about coding and self-taught, amateur programmer 😊

Atelier Stoilkovits Porto Heli, GREECE

lubega simon lubegasimon
We only have now.

Kampala, Uganda.

Fadi Shawki FadiShawki
The Universalis' afoot @orbitmines

@orbitmines The Netherlands

Bryth Brythzz
Engineering student @CentraleSupelec

CentraleSupélec Paris, France

Ricardo Islas Ruiz ricardoislas
Full-stack Developer, Mechatronic Engineer, Science Enthusiast and Musician.
Mikhail Azaryan mikhailazaryan
Computer Science Student at TUM

Munich, Germany

Erik Martin-Dorel erikmd
Assoc. Prof. in Computer Science

Lab. IRIT, Univ. Toulouse Toulouse, France

David Davphla
Low level and FOSS enthusiastic.


Ali deadmarshal
I love Perl, Lua, Pascal, Oberon, Modula-2/3, C, Forth, Standard ML, Scheme and Assembly

deadmarshal Iran, Karaj