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GITSRC gitsrc
CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @wasmate @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs Decentralized

Anni kuroxx
Full stack dev | AI Tech Advocate | Women in AI


Eliécer R. Hernández F. Paraguanads

@DexKit Punto Fijo, Venezuela

Welcome to my anonymous coding journey! This repository chronicles my exploration into security and blockchain development.
Christopher Kelly Fozzibearr
Industrial Research Scientist

Grounded Vision Houston

Brett Russell brettsy
Digital Identity, Blockchain @hyperledger @c2pa-org

@accuratius Toronto

David G sabotensf
Builder, Entrepreneur & CTO in the Web3 space

@recordpool-io San Francisco

Ali Ghorbanpour Aliiiqbp
Graduate Research Assistant, Simon Fraser University, Computing Science Dept.

Simon Fraser University Canada, Vancouver

Frank Hu frankhu1089
NFT collector / DAO contributor / Tech Reader 1/3 collect what I like. 1/3 support experiment. 1/3 support artist from Taiwan.

frontier foundation Taipei, Taiwan

nemesis Nemesis313
mechanic engineer cfd
Patrick Pcoinstore11
Business & Marketing agency.Token listing. COINSTORE listing partner.
Okorie topboyVII
tech bro in the works...
Alinwachukwu Michael Saintt042
Software Engineer Frontend Problem solver Hard-worker Good communication skills Learn on the job and open to new ideas. Self improvement everyday.


Sandro Matter sandromatter
I am Sandro, a Digital Marketing Specialist, Tech Geek and Pastalover from Switzerland.
