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Mahesh Adhikari mahesh-gfx

University of Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland

Olga Molina omleche

Geekcow Creative Studio

paranoidjk paranoidjk
「人生天地间 忽如远行客」

hangzhou, china

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Suyi thonatos
FE & Node.js Developer, Previously, worked at TikTok / Antfin / Alibaba .

@artusjs @eggjs Shenzhen, China

卷尺 ChrisSong1994
In-depth research, do what you say


Jan Hromádka kopkaa
Insterested in webdev


Tikkhun radiorz
Web programmer,front-end programmer, using javascript and typescript know a little of c/cpp | dart | java
Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Crusoe Xia crusoexia
Humor, Play & Hacking.
Fransérgio de Amorim Mota FransergioDev
Desenvolvedor Full Stack e apaixonado por tecnologia.

codebit Franca-SP

William Cantin wilomgfx
Fully committed Fullstack developer. Software engineering Alumni from ETS. Current @DistechControls

@distechcontrols @GeniALE @YetAnOtherSolution Montreal, Canada

Went through a long, painful path full of letdown and loss. 22 y.o. Worked with a dozen software stacks in roles: Back, Front, DE, DevOps, and others. I ❤️ OSS

@melmedia @DataRubrik

心璨 hixincan


Marko de la Torre markoenix
An a little social singularity not by own decision, nobody asked to me about. Making the right way as possible, unfortunately now alone but it can be merged.

Torreón, México

Purin purinx
Web Application Developer TypeScript/React/Next.js/Ruby on Rails/Zig


erfan erfuuan
interested in programming and security
Matthew Bub matthewbub

mPulse Mobile California, US

Christian Farías Águila chris-f23
Ingeniero en Computación e Informática de la Universidad Católica del Norte, rama de Desarrollo de Software.

Antofagasta, Chile

LILI Strade LILIStrade
Senior Full Stack Developer have a solid foundation in both front-end and back-end technologies. On the front end, I specialize in modern JavaScript frameworks

The University of Swansea Greater Swansea Area

fred dgw2030521


Thinking80s Thinking80s
Full Stack Developer


zthxxx zthxxx
Arma virumque cano Troiae qui primus ab oris.

@bytedance Shanghai, China

Shamsuddha Al Amin shamsuddha
Aspiring Java developer | Seeking mid-level full-stack position | Experienced with Typescript, Angular, Bootstrap

Craft Coders Lab Tangail

Farhan Tahmid Sabit FarhanSabit
Software Engineer | Full stack Web Developer | Emerging Frontier Technology Trainer: XR(AR, VR), AI-ML | Technology Enthusiast | A constant Learner |

Maple Service Solution Limited Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Asia

Eltayeb Ibrahim abuomerSD
Javascript | JavaFx

JavaFX Developer | Backend Developer Sudan, Khartoum

An iced coke Sir814
🚀 冲!

@alibaba HangZhou, China

Shubham Choudhary shubhamc183
go, nodejs, express.js, python, system design, unit-test, observability, k8s, devops, cloud, gcp, aws, scyllaDB

Senior Software Engineer @google Bangalore, India

guothion guothion
