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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Muhammad Abdullah Bin Tariq matx104
الله ورسوله أولاً، ثم عائلتي الحمدلله على كل حال! أَنتَ ومالُكَ لِأَبِيكَ سنن ابن ماجه (٢٢٩١)

@Al-Nafi Karachi, Sindh Pakistan

Lina Balciunaite LittleBlueDot
Frontend Developer | UX Engineer who has experience in Design Systems and has a deep interest in Digital Accessibility

Munich, Germany

Brandon Welsch brandon-welsch
Site Reliability Engineer at @Scalingo

@Scalingo @TechnoServs Strasbourg, France

Larry Copeland lcopeland

Charleston, South Carolina

Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Paul Welch pwelch
Senior Software Engineer @github :octocat:

@github Washington, D.C.

Christopher cjbischoff
creativity lazy - pragmatic - slight misanthrope
ICT, organization, finance and life: empowerment ignites! Strengthening individuals, and stimulating growth through optimism and pragmatism


Ruben Hönle rubenhoenle

@stackitcloud Germany

Letha misterpantz
word combiner


Sean Fraser seanfraserio
Sr. Solutions Architect based in Florida

Hollywood FL

Moritz Meid MoritzMeid

SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH Solingen

Luca Küchler LucaKuechler
Just trying GitHub because corona forces me to stay at home.
Rodrigo V. Del Monte rodrigodelmonte
Currently maintaining Kubernetes clusters. @kubernetes, @python, @golang

@nvidia Germany - Berlin

Sonu Saha ahasunos
Software Engineer at @inspec @chef! Previously at @Infosys Archives at @thevirtualbuddy

@chef India

Aishwarya Nair AishwaryaNair687
Bachelor's of Technology in Computer Science with specialization in Cybersecurity and Forensics..

Student Faridabad,Haryana