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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Phan Anh anhp95

Nagoya, Japan

21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

@kingfs kingfs


Mykola Semenov mykola-semenov
ML Engineer, Researcher, Computational Scientist

Toronto, Canada

Vedant Puri vpuri3
i write PDE solvers.

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Shijie Cong Jerome-Cong
PhD student @ ETS Lab, THU

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Federico Berto fedebotu
PhD student @kaist-silab. Collaborating with @DiffEqML and cofounder of the @ai4co open research community

KAIST South Korea

Jonathan Choi conscious-choi
Artificial Intelligence for All Beings

Artificial Intelligence Institute of SNU Seoul National University

Umesh Kumar umesh70
AI/ML research Intern at Numerikal Labs.
Mykyta Cherniak mykytacherniak
A 5th semester AI Bachelor's student at JKU Linz.
Lucas H. McCabe lucasmccabe

@lmiconsulting Boston, MA

Jourmore jourmore
Ambition and Interest, Whatever Floats Your Boat!

SiChuan University China/Sichuan/ChengDu


freelancer South Korea

Donato Quiccione theconsciouspasticcio
I'm So Meta Even This Acronym


Asem A-Alaa
Slowly migrating away from Microsoft/GitHub to
Stefan Schweter stefan-it
Researcher, M.Sc Computational Linguistics, Former student @ The Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS), LMU Munich

Bavarian Oberland, Germany

Asif-Hamid erasifhamid CIS Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Phd Scholar IUST, Kashmir, India. ML/MOR
Transcription Factory TranscriptionFactory
Computational biology PhD student

Pittsburgh, PA

NhungVu NhungVu910

SungKyunKwan University Suwon, Korea

Alexandru Andrita AlexandruAndrita
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Master's Student

Universität des Saarlandes Saarbrücken, Germany


Vienna, Austria