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Bryan Suarez sw00z

Southern California

Saswata Mishra this-is-geek-sassy
Programmer. Wannabe researcher. Does software engineering for a job at Persistent Systems, India. { Full.Stack.Developer(); } ----- A student of life :(:

Persistent Systems Kolkata

Khizar Abbas KhizarAbbas
Ph.D. Computer Science

Jeju National University, South Korea Jeju , South Korea

Dylan d-bryan
Full Stack Engineer || Systems Engineer || Homelab Enthusiast

West Virginia

Catalin George Festila catafest-work
1976, work place account ...

Econfaire Falticeni

gunk1n gunk1n

Voronezh, Russia

RoZeʟ-RoṨeʟ ekstuhsee1


Sanyaade Adekoya sanyaade-teachings

Pat-Eta Electronics Ltd

Omar Salah Eldin omarsalaheldinnn
Use grep! Copyleft 😉

Helwan University

Fazal E Wadood Haris Fazal20
Cyber Security | Information Security | Networking | Machine Learning | Digital Forensics | Student


Kuuki kuukitenshi
"We are made of star stuff"- Carl Sagan

MSc Computer Science and Engineering Student at IST, University of Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal

Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanAnalistadeTI
🛡️ Analista de Segurança da Informação 👨‍💻 Ethical Hacker 🔒 Cyber Security 🛠️ Engenheiro de Software/Designer ☕️ Coding • Tech • Hacking • Design

Salvador - BA

Long Ou ouxlwhu

Asterfusion Wuhan

Asst. Prof. at BTU.
Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001
I'm an experienced programmer, with the intent to make the world a much better place, and protect freedoms of the Internet. I am skilled in Python, and web dev.

Self-employed; looking for tips Walla Walla Washington, USA, Earth, Milky way, <Universe>

Rujal Acharya RujalAcharya

IOE, Pulchowk Campus Kathmandu, Nepal