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Thiago Bortoluzzi thiagobmi
Full Stack Developer, Student Researcher and Computer Science Undergrad

Universidade Federal do Pampa, Campus Alegrete Brazil

Samuele Zilio samuzilio
spatial data scientist

@euracresearch Italy

plucafs plucafs
Quante cose bisogna ignorare per agire
Edius Ferreira edius1987

Banco do Brasil SA Barra do Garças - MT

Constantin Masson geekymoose
Game Engine Programmer

Ubisoft Paris

Mark mckcd
Networks and System


Sam bunnyhopper363
Young web developer and IT enthusiast !

SOFIP France, Nord-Pas-De-Calais

Nicholai n3k0lai
Gamer with a capital G


Pedro Pongelupe Pongelupe
programmer, coffee lover and old-fashioned clothes style. Software and society must be exploitation free 🚩

Avenue Code Belo Horizonte, Brasil

TheRoboxx theRoboxx
🐧 🍝 :shipit:


Sergey VooDooGrayWOOD
Full-Stack Developer | React | Vue | Mobx | Pinia | PostgreSQL
Paul Haider paulhaider

@unibe-cns Bern, Switzerland

Jessy jessybreyne
Full-Stack Developer


Jonas Strassel boredland

@playt-net Frankfurt/Germany

akiryushin akiryushin
Alexander Kiryushin
Eliot S.A. -- Services services-eliotsa
Somos sus mejores aliados para el crecimiento de su Empresa. Contamos con una de las mejores plataformas para la gestión de transacciones electrónicas online...

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Misaka chuxubank

Shanghai, China

Héctor V3ct0r
Para mi no existen problemas, solo retos! - For me there are no problems, only challenges!

Electronica Universal, C.A. Venezuela