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mavdotj mavdotj
I am a web dev based in the east coast US. I love svelte, tailwind, deno, rust, and typescript Coolest 14yo ever according to my mother 🥰

@brontidev Bro IDK

Elite EliteCommando141
"Better safe than sorry!"


Matthew Radulovich Daemon6109
17-year-old passionate full-stack developer driven by continuous learning, innovation, and creativity. 🤙


Kolb Kolbxyz
I'm creating stuff. Voilà. That's all.

Alsace, France

Nico 28reazns
I use this to store my projects.


Telos Telosmos

United States

Gaëtan de Villèle gdevillele
Co-founder & CTO @cubzh

@cubzh France

Sblorg Sblorgotech
I might hate myself but at least I try


Ryder Reid ryderreid

Ryder Reid Software Group Horsham, Victoria

Riotscripter Chaosscripter
Mobile Coder/Scripter
Kristoffer Bekkevold starkris51
goofy ahh programming

Norway, Viken, Vestby

AKSHAY ANAND akshayyanandd
Quick learner, ambitious, confident


Eqic Eqicness
Roblox scripting/dev
techs-sus techs-sus
hi, i code i guess


Nicholas Foreman nicholasforeman
Game Developer on @Roblox

United States


United States

bob bobberick-bobbington
rn learning blender and coding on lua, luau. planning on moving to unity.
Jestro jestro0o

Donetsk, Russia

Orbitect orbitect
Building Worlds.

Vienna, AT

maxxus MaxxusX
not on github very often reach me on my twitter
tip tip52
2 years lua, i dont upload things here often
mizook dev-mzk
hi im mizook :DD you average lifeless dev!! i love hugss!!

@xyrdron your heart <3