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@novxai Cyber Bunker

Aleczander Williams wiaa1234

Chat Solutions West Palm Beach, FL

Paddy PMTabs

Northern Ireland

Jefferson Martendal de Barros JeffersonMartendal
Olá devs estou começando agora a me profissionalizar front-end.


GroundAura GroundAura
Might post stuff here for mods I create for games like Skyrim.


Romain Touchet Lunesombre
Junior Software Developper.


Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Harris Plaisted Crazy-Uncle-Harris
Software Dev in Maine. Code written by an extremely caffeinated Mainer with love ❤


Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
Chad Manly xSwagboy69x
Hobbyist/Amateur interested in Windows customization, AutoHotkey, foobar2000, hotkeys, mouse gestures, macros & automation

United States

Graeme Morris v-maxson
Computer Science Student

New Mexico