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Michael Kugelraumer
Ubuntu user and Python-Rookie since 17.10, not a developer. Been working in IT since the mid-90s, but with a sales, solution architect, project management focus

Oldenburg, Germany

pythonic coder alien-ware
abaqus, sublime text 4, python, Opencv, PySide6


Stefan Schirra sts153
DB_Admin, age 59

Berlin, Germany

younix69 younix69
System Administrator (Unix, Windows) "switchs" to DevOps CI/CD practice

⚪️🔵🔴 🐻 ☭ 🇿

Kai Yang Kaiyangshi-Ito
Data scientist and statistician, python & R.

McGill University Montreal, Quebec

Carlos Anjos CarlosFranciscoAnjos
Software Engineer

Porto, Portugal

RickFactorial RickFactorial
Estudiante de Licenciatura en Matemáticas


Ali Ateş dev-ates
.Net Core Developer

Turkey, Ankara

James Floyd JamesFloyd-Pen

Tyrone, GA, USA, North America, Earth

Ganesh Kanchi ganesh-kanchi
Aspiring Web Developer | 20 |


Seän Shepherd kodepoet
Computer scientist and mathematician, writer, entrepreneur. Polyglot (German, Japanese, Welsh). Old-school Gamer (since '86). Hacker/pen. tester.

Circuit City, Cyberia

Anna akbarros
Catholic. PC & coding enthusiast.

Pernambuco, Brazil

Victor Jesus toriodev
Contador estudante de ADS e CC



Gdańsk, Poland

Aibek Minbaev AibekMinbaev
Exploring the Boundless Horizons of Code! Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Maks git-maks
Business | AI | ML | Data Science


Andrew Seif andrewseif
This GitHub is a Diary of my Journey from to being a ✨Software Engineer✨


Amy ArwensAbendstern
♥ crochet, dogs, reading, good food, polka dots, puzzles. ☕︎ I drink coffee & matcha. ❡ Words matter, poetry saves lives. Code can be poetry, too.

TeXt ex machina Swindon, Wiltshire, UK

JP Monteagudo jpmonteagudo28
Aspiring data scientist/statistician