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SnorTag KravitzMC
Focus on cryptocurrency and computational simulation.

0x65766572797768657265 Hatyai Songkhla, TH

software | data | content | ai
FalconUnhinged Othello1111

Compusurf IT Solutions South Africa

Wolleys Migaya Wolleys
Innovative Full Stack Engineer | Results-driven problem solver. Passionate about high-quality solutions, collaboration, usability, and mobile-first design.

TWIN Foundation Kenya | Remote | Worldwide

Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
iamSa luckygirl698
i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Lucas Alves luhalvesbr

Prague, CZ / Sao Paulo, BR

Kay Ahn KayAhn0126

Daejeon, South Korea

Adam abres33
Co-Founder at Databis™

Databis Technologies

Yulia andgrace
Looking for talents in fintech, HFT & crypto #rustlang #rust #solidity #web3 #hiring

NDA Spain

Mirko Zichichi miker83z
Engineering Team Lead at IOTA Foundation - PhD in Law, Science and Technology

IOTA Foundation Palermo

Alan Davis akdavis83
Blockchain Dev | Full-Stack Dev | Web3 | Faith-Based Sites | Zero To Blockchain @ Kingsland University | My faith in Jesus Christ is #1! |
Valerio Mellini kchain-solutions
KChain Solutions: Innovative IT consultancy using decentralized/cloud tech to transform business. Committed to efficient, secure solutions, empowering clients t

Kchain solutions Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Vanir xvanir
Software Engineer
TheNIS the-nis-123
Software Engineer

ClinicMaster INTERNATIONAL Kampala, Uganda

George IO gta-pong
Co-Founder - GTA Pong | The Greater Toronto Area Ping Pong Club

@gtapong-dev Toronto, Canada

Meiko ByeongHunKim
The DevOps CAMINO 🐳 ☸

Seoul, South Korea

Manuel Guido manuelguido
Full Stack Engineer

Buenos Aires (Argentina)