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Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Sayali Rahane RahaneSayali
Passionate, diligent with get-it-done attitude.

Centralogic , Pune India

Diego S diegslva
Machine Learning enthusiast with a great passion for Golang.

GDFX Asset Management Paraná, Brazil

Frontend Developer

CAVU Northwest, England, United Kingdom

Joel jbowwww

Perth, Western Australia

Richard Zampieri rsaz
Creator of @expressots. On a mission to simplify Software Engineering. 🐎

@expressots B.C Canada

Greg Lamb greglamb

Greater Seattle Area

Richie Yang Richie-Yang
A backend developer, who used to specialized at cyber sec area like IPS, SIEM, and general network security concepts.

Taipei, Taiwan

Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Danial Manavi DManavi
Senior Full-stack Software Engineer


Siro Díaz Palazón SiroDiaz
Entrepreneur, Web and mobile dev. Always learning new technologies, marketing and more.

@laliga, @snapclip-tv, @affiliation-tools Murcia, Spain

Aaditya Ansh ADItya0367
E-Cell IIT Kharagpur | Tech enthusiast | DSA | C++ | Full Stack | Leetcode @ 250+ | Founder @CODEPECT
Sergey Beresnev keriat
Creative self-motivated empathic workaholic 🤘 with passion for the products

@superform-xyz Moldova, Chisinau

Jun Ng. pwn-0x309
Shut up & Work hard

@ocean-network-express Vietnam

Senior Full Stack Developer DevStar1016
Nobody is perfect. I 'm nobody so I'm perfect.
like a robot
Jannik Maag fuzzypawzz
Smile, code, be awesome! I help teams build a solid Front-End architecture that makes JavaScript testing fun 🤟

@telia-company Copenhagen

Int dhlolo

Shanghai, China

Alyssa Nguyen Alyssa3467
Mostly Harmless Now with 20% more Emotional Damage™

Orange County, CA

码农朱哲 snice
Full Stack engineer


Luiz Henrique Souza souzaluiz
Software Developer

Going2 Mobile Manaus, Brasil

Zekirija Alomerovic Zekiloni
i know how to center a div

020 Oglasi Novi Pazar, Serbia

Rhonnie RhonnieAl
Full Stack Software Developer | TypeScript 👨‍💻

Helsinki, Finland

Alaattin Gökmen ervsoft
freelancer development

ervsoft Turkey

Gomi gxy5202
Web Developer & PowerPoint Designer

Chengdu China


Vancouver, BC

Thomas ThomasCode92
💻 Software Engineer at ABB E-mobility 🔋🔌

Enervalis / ABB E-Mobility Hoeselt, Belgium

Shreyans Pathak ishon19
Hi, I’m Shreyans—I turn coffee into clean code. Always learning, always building, always up for a new challenge. Let’s create something cool!

@greenactionstudio Schenectady, NY