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Maxime Dumont mxDumont
French PhD student (finishing soon) Specialized in ML, Remote Sensing and spatial statistics applied to agronomy and environmental sciences.


Clément Moignard cmoignard
Research Engineer, working on safety tests protocols for offroad robots @Romea @inrae

INRAE/TSCF Clermont-Ferrand

Quentin PETITJEAN qpetitjean
I’m a Research Scientist @inrae working on the effects of global changes on animal physiology and behavior.

Queen Mary University of London

Jonathan Kitt KittJonathan

INRAE Clermont-Ferrand

jlhelling jlhelling
interested in remote sensing, hydrology & geostatistics

@EVS-GIS Lyon, France


INRAE Montpellier, France

Baptiste R MarvinVaucanson
Etudiant en informatique IUT Lyon1 DOUA

IUT Lyon 1

Fabien Ferchaud fabienferchaud
Research engineer at INRAE, I work on carbon and nitrogen cycles in agroecosystems.

INRAE Montpellier, France

GIS, geomatics, still noob to write proper scripts in R, PostgreSQL, PostGIS...


Thomas Duigou tduigou
Bioinformatician @inrae

@INRAE (ex @inra) France

Ahmed M. A. Elsherbini AhmedElsherbini
Tübingen Uni, Ph.D. student, Infection Biology (Nile Uni, Bioinformatics Diploma & Antwerp Uni, Infectious Diseases MSc) Prokaryotic genomics & metagenomics



INRAE Clermont-Ferrand

Louis Manière LouisManiere
Geomatics and hydrologic engineer

Université de Tours Tours, France

Sacha Muszlak samusz
☣️Biologist, formerly in physiology research, moving towards 💹 data analysis and curation. Go, math, 🎶clarinet and life amateur.


Rosario Iacono RosarioIacono
Data led agronomist Researcher at the Helmoholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Halle (Saale), Germany

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Halle (Saale), Germany

Louis Héraut super-lou
J'aime bien l'ordinateur @inrae

INRAE France

Jules Grillot JulesGrillot

Asters - Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels de Haute-Savoie Annecy, France

Camille Leclerc CamilleLeclerc
Postdoctoral researcher at INRAE, working on the influence of reservoir age and drainage on lake habitat and biodiversity 🖥🐟

Riverly Lyon

LIPME lipme
Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes Microorganismes et Environnement. Bioinformatics team

INRAE Toulouse, France

Pierre Casadebaig picasa
Agronomy, crop science, modeling and simulation. Explorations in algorithmic art.

@INRAE France

Daniel Jacob djacob65
Research Engineer, Computer Science

@inrae @inra

Jeff Faudi jeffaudi
Solving Earth challenges with Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning

DL4EO New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Josh Arnold arnold-jr
environmental engineer turned data doer


Goussard Basile BasileGoussard
Co-founder at netcarbon

@NetCarbon-Tech Bordeaux

David Carayon davidcarayon
Statistician @ French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)

@inrae Bordeaux, France

Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK